Pam Oakes of Car Care for the Clueless has valuable advice for the motoring public this winter: It pays to be a prepper! Take a look at what Pam wrote and follow it closely. 

You should have all your severe storm preparations completed at least 24 hours before the snow hits the area.

For those who procrastinate, it may be too late. Supplies at the stores will be minimalized, fuel probably scarce. My advice – stay put! But, for those who just have to travel for one reason or another, I have a bit of advice for you.

First - other than your Facebook buddies – your “new” best friend is going to be your emergency roadside kit. If you get stuck in a traffic jam or snow drift, this is what is going to see you through the storm. Most of these items you can find in your garage or basement. Gather these items into a box or duffle bag and place it into your trunk or backseat.

  • Extra cell phone battery or power cord adaptor (keep your cell phone on…
  • Paper towels
  • Half dozen cloth towels
  • Sealed snacks (like crackers, peanut butter)
  • First aid kit
  • Clear painter’s tarp
  • A couple of bungee cords
  • Thermal blanket
  • Duct tape
  • Shovel
  • 2, 10lb bags of sand, potting soil or (clean) kitty litter
  • Deck of playing cards
  • Magazine or two
  • Flashlight
  • Extra car key (if possible)
  • Screwdriver, pair of pliers
  • Favorite short stories book
  • Red cloth or clothing to mark your vehicle (if you get stuck)
  • There's lots more you can find on Pam's website. 
Direct download: Pam_Oakes_12-18-14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST






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