The Swiss Gold Referendum results are in and they've given their vote to the Banksters. We probably shouldn't be surprised. What we were really asking the Swiss to do was to start a new monetary system with absolutely no assurances as to its success. Unfortunately, this may have been the last opportunity to reform the system from within. Now the forces that have been that have driving the world's economies to the brink have clear sailing ahead. There's nothing that can stop them now. So buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the ride of a life time.

Gold and silver are up major today, in classic counterintuitive fashion. 

We also discuss the Ferguson incident and what the evidence really shows happened. Not that the facts matter about anything anymore. But you should know. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman:

Swiss referendum

                -historic propaganda, market manipulation beforehand (both here and in Switzerland)

                -however, brought out major pro-gold forces as well

                                -Dutch repatriation, French repatriation request

                -also, now entire world doomed to money printing to infinity after Swiss dupe


Historic PM tightness

                -record U.S. Mint Silver Eagles sales, Royal Canadian Mint Silver Maple sales, Indian silver imports, Chinese gold demand, 15-year low GOFO rates; plus, end of Indian 80/20 import/export rule


Economic collapse!

                -nine misses Wednesday alone in States

                -today, China PMI nearly below 50, at eight-month low

                -today, Europe 50.3, and Germany down from 50.0 last month to recessionary 49.5

                -Japan downgraded by Moody's from Aa3 to A1

                -currencies the world round in freefall, particularly commodity related like Ruble, Real, Rupiah, Australian dollar


today's article was titled "Shale oil 2015 = subprime mortgages 2008"

                -1/3 of all S&P 500 capex is energy-related, and was declining BEFORE oil prices collapsed

                -more than half of shale oil unprofitable today, and generally less desirable grades to start with

                -15% of all U.S. junk bonds shale oil related


Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_01.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16pm EST

John relates that last week saw the global financial system tip from delusion — where it had happily drifted for several years — into chaos. Consider the following more-or-less randomly chosen data points:

French unemployment hits record high

Italian unemployment hits record high 

Oil’s price falls by $10.36/bbl, or 13.5%, in a single day, to its lowest price since 2010. 

Copper falls by 6% to $2.86/lb, 25% below its 2013 high. 

European bond yields fall to record lows. Even Italy, with government debt exceeding 130% of GDP, can now borrow for around 2%. Japan, meanwhile, issues bonds with negative interest rates. 

European inflation approaches zero, with several member states apparently already in deflation. 

Emerging markets see the opposite trend, as a soaring dollar causes their currencies to fall and inflation to spike. The Russian ruble falls by 7.3% to a record low, while the currencies of Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Chile drop by at least 1.9%. See Brazil’s Rousseff vows immense effort to slow inflation.

Chinese malinvestment, a topic of conversation ever since those ghost city pictures started circulating, is pegged at $6.8 trillion, or about 70% of China’s entire economy. 

As Prudent Bear’s Doug Noland put it his November 28 Credit Bubble Bulletin, “Collapse of the ‘global reflation trade’ runs unabated. Where might contagion strike next?” 

The answer is in one final set of stats: Last week the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Transports hit record highs, while the Nasdaq 100 index of tech stocks rose to its highest level since March 2000, just before its epic crash.

If everything but equities is being sucked into a 2008-style deflationary vortex, how much longer can US stocks hold out? Probably not long.

Direct download: John_Rubino_01.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am EST






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