Shane Walker is Co-founder, Executive Vice President, and Chief Marketing Officer of Qube Money. He grew up on a farm in Weiser, Idaho, and is the 9th of 12 children. His dad was a teacher, and his mom ran their large household. Money was scarce. The only time the family went out to eat was to get a free hamburger and cutie ice cream cone at McDonald's during report card time. Imagine a family of 14 bringing in 10 report cards for free hamburgers at McDonald's...

Shane began working at age 8, hoeing beets and changing sprinklers to help support the family. He remembers his dad making work fun by taking a dip in the river mid-afternoon. While they worked, his dad would often say, "Isn't this fun?" Shane has learned to enjoy working and to do his very, very best in everything he does.

Shane has transitioned this approach to life in everything he does. He graduated with a master's degree in accounting from Brigham Young University. In his Junior year of college, he partnered with a couple of his friends to build Elite Sales, which became one of the largest door-to-door pest control sales companies in America.

After college, Shane started Walker Financial and is a leader in the financial space. Shane has achieved top honors, including Million Dollar Round Table, a leading producer with Guardian Life Insurance, and both Double Platinum and Top Income Earner with Team National. He is an accomplished trainer and speaker. He's taught audiences as large as 8,000 and has a track record for deeply engaging people.

Shane joined co-founder Ryan Clark to create Qube Money. As the executive vice president, Shane's dream is to help millions of people across the globe rise above living paycheck-to-paycheck, eliminate debt permanently, and empower people to experience more abundance, more joy, and more peace with money.

Direct download: Shane_Walker_15.Apr.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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