No crash immediately ahead. The economy is like a giant aircraft carrier, it takes a lot of time turn around. Too much growth and too much money coming in. Twelve percent chance of a rate hike in December, despite their repeated denials to the contrary. Gold is heading upward with a resistance point of $1825. Miners are now leading the metals, which is what you want to see, especially at turning points. Dow Jones US Gold Mining Index has been leading for quite a while, a very positive sign. They led on the way down and are leading on the way up. And rate hikes are going to be the next catalyst. Tons of money being thrown at the economy. Pent-up demand is going to make the economic numbers soar. Optimism yes, but it might not yet quite be time. Better to be a little early. When gold hits $1950 it’s off to the races. This is going to launch and explode high. Gold to S&P at a 7 year low.

Direct download: Jordan_Roy-Byrne_09.Apr.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Gerald is holding a freedom rally in Kingston on Memorial Day. Join him there. It’s time for people to stand up for what they believe in. Beware of vaxx passports. What about declining sperm counts? Gerald says, “Big Pharma is nothing more than a bunch of drug pushers.” He is a man born of freedom and was not put on this planet to take orders from garbage peddlers to serve their whims. 

He believes that markets will keep going higher in a Biden Bounce. Once interest rates go up, the whole thing implodes. Housing bust coming? Fake inflation numbers. Housing price increases don’t go into CPI. They deliberately hide the true inflation rate so they can have unlimited free money and put a lid on Social Security benefit increases. No real estate crash is coming because individuals are buying up houses to get out of the big cities. Millennials are now buying too. There’s never been anything like this before. 

The NYC Office vacancy rate is over 14%, a record high. They’re subleasing to get out. Big law firms no longer need all that space. Now they’re working from their homes. Commercial RE in all major cities is coming down big time. Ground level retail is empty. New York City is not coming back from this along with the other big cities. People are fleeing the big cities. Lots of empty ugly space. Newcomers to Kingston, Gerald’s hometown are fleeing NYC crime and the Coronavirus. 

Go to  Just $129 per year. 

Direct download: Gerald_Celente_09.Apr.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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