The most important thing in life is to be a free thinker, a critical thinker, capable of detaching from the masses and arriving at your own well thought-out conclusions and opinions. It is the only true path to fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Unfortunately, all too few of us ever attempt it. It's got zero to do with left/right, it's all about your ability to deconstruct stories and figure out who's trying to control your mind. The inability to engage in independent thought is a sure pathway to mental slavery. Remember 1984 and the thought police. Every government seeks to control its subjects' beliefs and wishes. It's how they get their power and keep it. Finally, people are opting for the Red Pill and freedom. It can't happen fast enough!

Direct download: TLR_449_26.Apr.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST

Rick Ackerman joined us today for a quick look at the market and the economy. Rick says that the only stock you need to watch is Amazon. It's holdings are vast and its impact upon the New Economy is great. The market could be telling us the stock and therefore the economy are on their way down. He thinks that when it finally comes down it could go from $1400 to $200, when the eventual economic downturn eventually hits. Interest rates have definitely turned negative and will probably become more so in the near future. And watch out for declining state economies and public pension funds. That crisis is coming soon. Very soon. But Rick doesn't see much in the near future for precious metals. But let's see what happens next!

Direct download: Rick_Ackerman_26.Apr.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST






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