Mon, 14 January 2013 presents Some people never learn. New York City's Mayor Michael The Nanny Bloomberg is one of them. He's been a major gun grabber for years. Along the way he's gone after cigar smokers, transfats, baby formula and Big Gulp sodas. He has to be the all time greatest buzzkill. He likes his hot dogs, we like our fries, why can't we all just get along? But no sooner does The Nanny ban extra large sodas, now he's after your pain meds. He instructed New York City's socialized medical institutions to limit such prescriptions, even if it means more patient suffering. Who does this guy think he is? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Sun, 13 January 2013 presents
Mo and Val are back again. While the stock picks this week were so-so, what do you expect from the Loser Screen, the humor is better than ever. It's impossible to feel depressed will listening to the back and forth between Mo and Val. And if you drink along with them in the comfort of your own home, well then it's a home run. Companies discussed in this show, Plexus Corp. (PLXS), Super Micro Computer, Inc. (SMCI) and Stryker Corporation (SYK). Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 11 January 2013 presents Pastor Britt Minshall didn't start out in the clergy. Rather he founded a private security company on the Jersey Shore after his participation in the Freedom Riders Movement ended his prospect of becoming a police officer. From there, he had a religious experience which transformed his life and he went on to lead several churches. He's written a number of books and believes the key to solving society's problems is to stop being afraid and to connect with our fellow humans. Once we do this on a large scale a truly remarkable transformation will take place. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 11 January 2013 presents Drs. Bob and Judith Wright have written a wonderful book called, Transformers-The Science of Spectacular Living. Using their techniques, people are able to change their lives and help uncover their true purpose in life. This leads to many unexpected life changes, such as losing weight, better relationships and higher income. It all begins inside you and is then translated to the outside world. Bob believes that 2013 can be an incredible year for you, regardless of the economy. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 10 January 2013 presents Trace Mayer is a long term proponent of BitCoin. He believes that the government will be unable to control it or stop it. Therefore, he sees a bright future for it and that even GoldMoney is thinking about accepting it for bullion purchases. Because the quantity is limited and governments can't create more, the BitCoin value has been increasing. As more people and companies embrace this standard, it will be even more difficult, since a virtually infinite amount of computing power would be required to stop it.
Thu, 10 January 2013 presents Judge David Minier (Ret.) still tries cases around California and is a diehard advocate for liberty. He's sees Obama confiscating guns, restricting economic opportunity and completely undermining the American way of life. He believes that if we don't start fighting back soon, your children and their children will be condemned to a life of tyranny. Socialists always claim that if only the right people were running things, it would succeed. However, we all know that this is never case. Socialism, collectivism and statism are at their core failures, and their proponents always blame it all on capitalism. America must wake up to these facts soon, or face dire consequences. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 10 January 2013 presents We caught up with Diana today. Like many women, she's an expert at saving her husband money on her purchases. However, Diana has a talent to maintain her family's standard of living while cutting back on many unessential expenditures. We're continuing this series and expect to help save you a veritable fortune. We also talked about higher gold and silver prices. And the fact that there's no point in saving money, unless you put it into real money, gold and silver. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 9 January 2013 We caught up with Robert Ian in Las Vegas at the New Media Expo. He was filled with major optimism about the housing recovery, not. There are over 6 million home owners who have either stopped paying their mortgages or they are seriously delinquent. The banks as per the Fed have been in no hurry to repossess these homes. This has led to the creation of a shadow inventory, homes existing in a financial limbo with virtually no chance of being brought back into the market in the near future. The housing supply has been artificially shrunk and these broke homeowners get to remain in their homes rent and payment free. Isn't America a great country? for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 8 January 2013 Year-end reviews are extremely important, especially in a year when the world was supposed to end on December 21. Mickey and I reviewed the major markets and found some interesting trends. The major and emerging stock markets did very well in 2012. Oil was down in the US and up in the rest of the world. Even the depressed natural gas price went up. The dollar and the euro were pretty stable. Gold and silver both were up. Check out the review to see where the markets finished up.
Mon, 7 January 2013 The book has finally gone to print. It's here and available to you now. Just go to I try very hard to help you understand how we got where we are today, why it's important for you to start planning now and what the world of the future will look like. Please send any feedback or comments to Best wishes for the New Year.
Mon, 7 January 2013 presents Ranting Andy Hoffman joins us for yet another Monday Rant. The metals are under attack but it won't matter. 2.5 years worth of blatant manipulation is coming to an end, probably towards the middle of January, after the inauguration. To think that the US will be the only country in history to avoid a currency collapse is quite naive. Forty years is pretty much the limit for fiat currency and we're living on borrowed time. Even Bill Gross has come to the inescapable conclusion that hyperinflation is inevitable.
Sat, 5 January 2013 Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist, joined us for the monthly market review. Basically most markets were stagnant. Silver and natural gas were the biggest losers. Every thing else was more of the same. But stagnant markets never last for very long. Reality and Black Swans have a way of catching up with them. And when that happens, volatility sky rockets and that's what will probably happen very shortly.
Fri, 4 January 2013 presents Chris Duane is truly on a mission. Who else could have come up with a series of privately minted silver coins that would shake up the world's private mints? In just three months, he's sold an incredible number. His coins are one ounce of pure silver and they each have a unique theme dealing with the current monetary system's exploitative aspects. The latest arrival is the Slave Queen. Take a look and have a good laugh. Buy silver now at $30, a real bargain. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 4 January 2013 presents Bix Weir was back with us today. Of course today was the latest rigged jobs number report. And of course gold and silver have been taken down the past two days. But the time is coming when the real values will assert themselves. Paper asset is truly an oxymoron. It is at best merely evidence of an asset's ownership. And the day is coming when it will no longer even be that. Keep your eyes open. We're seeing more and more signs that the system is becoming frayed and less stable. The time will come when people have to decide whether they're just sheeple or whether they want to control their lives. Bix thinks we're just one derivative meltdown away from it. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 4 January 2013 presents David Kotok is head of Cumberland Advisors and a frequent contributor to Bloomberg and CNBC. He doesn't see inflation in the present or the future. He believes that the recovery will continue and that unemployment will continue to decline and housing will keep recovering. He's knows Bernanke and supports the current Fed policies. He believes that the economy is a mess but that eventually we'll get to better times through the current policies. While your humble host disagrees, Mr. Kotok's arguments are cogent and well thought out. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Fri, 4 January 2013 presents James Corbett is a well known Japan-based media host. He's now writing the editorials for the late Bob Chapman's International Forecaster. He's seeing a lot more of the same for 2013. 1) Heightened attacks on internet freedom, 2) Greater use of contrived emergencies to help foster and implement regional governments, leading to one world government, and 3) More locally produced food to improve nutrition and help take people off the food grid. So it's not all doom and gloom for the year ahead, but you need to be very careful and aware of the coming changes. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 January 2013 presents Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group joined us for his take on the Fiscal Cliff and his predictions for the year ahead. As he said, "It's much easier to predict history." Unfortunately, it's very hard to make money off of what happened in the past. The key to profits or to protecting your wealth is getting a glimpse of what the futre holds. Unfortunately this is extremely difficult, especially in the current economic environment. No one really knows what will happen or when. However, when we see our leaders fail to protect the country and it's future, you need to prepare for the worst. Jeff thinks gold prices will range between $1500 to $1800. We believe these estimates are extremely conservative. Time will tell. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 January 2013 presents Diana and I returned to Catch Up after a long hiatus. The holidays and New Years always makes it difficult to connect. We finally pulled it off and we're both planning conferences and getting ready for an intense year ahead. So start it out right and save some money. Don't buy a new car! If you're going to spend $100 or more, do some shopping engine searches and some Google queries. eBay is always a great place to check too. You never know what kind of bargain you're gonna find. And while you're at it, check out your cable service and dump as many useless features as you can. There are much less costly alternatives available. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 January 2013 presents Rabbi Aryeh Spero is a highly visible well known proponent of a moral based society. He believes that the decline of Western Civilization is due in large part to the attack/rejection/abandonment of our historic Judeo-Christian based ideals and traditions. Until we all acknowledge the problem, there will not be a workable solution to our decline. Regular attendance at a house of worship isn't required to be a moral person. Rather the respect for what a house of worship stands for and the desire to embrace high moral standards is what is important to the individual. This is a compelling discussion on what each of us can do to restore faith in ourselves and our country. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 January 2013 presents Arch Crawford joined us today and consulted his technical and celestial charts, in an effort to try to understand the road ahead. He believes that 2013 will be a challenging year (who'd thunk it) with no clear investment trends. Gold and silver are uncertain in the near future but should break-out much higher later in the year. The US Dollar is looking okay in the intermediate term, mainly due to weakness in the other world currencies. The stock markets look ready for a major decline and yesterday's 300 point advance on very low volume seems like confirmation. We'll revisit Arch in the months ahead and check the accuracy of his predictions. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 2 January 2013 presents Ann MicIndoo has written over 500 books for aspiring authors around the world. She helps people become the best that they can be by helping them master their personal brand. Writing a book is just the beginning. There's so much more that you can do with your talents. Mastermind groups, courses, workbooks, workshops and seminars to name just a few. Ann is an expert at putting a plan together and then making it happen. During this time she's also written four books of her own and is currently working on her fifth. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 2 January 2013 presents Your humble host against all odds survived a near catastrophic trip to Grand Bahama Island. It started with a 30 minute flight aboard an antique propeller driven aircraft, from Fort Lauderdale Airport to Freeport Bahamas that was delayed by 3 hours. It finished with a gut-wrenching 3 hour ferry ride from Freeport to Fort Lauderdale that was also delayed by three hours. The ferry ride was punctuated by periods of and sea-sick inducing waves and other unpleasantries. The moral of the story is, if you must go there, take a US flagged carrier. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 2 January 2013 presents Congressmen come and go, but the Kleptocracy goes on and on. What would have happened had the parties not reached a deal. Probably nothing much different than now. But maybe the price of gold and silver would have gone down instead of up. This was a complete PR event, stage-managed from the get go to make you believe that higher taxes and increased government spending are the answers to what ails the country and the economy. In the end, none of the changes necessary to save the US and the world from a complete and utter economic catastrophy have been taken. Buy gold, silver, guns and food. They will be life saving investments in 2013. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 31 December 2012
My first ever interview on Russia Today! I don't know whether they're a propoganda piece for Putin or a bona fide news gathering organization. You can be the judge, but they don't seem to be any more aware of what's really going on than anyone else. But at least they asked some of the right questions, for which your humble host had more than a few answers for. Obviously not what this gent was expecting, but when you come on enter the Financial Survival Network, you take what you get. Happy New Year! May you enjoy it in peace with those who make the most difference in your life. I'm off to party.
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