Sat, 13 April 2013 presents Gold plunged $84 an ounce yesterday. Silver skidded $1.81. However, premiums on silver have gone up and shortages are cropping up all over the place. David believes that the die has been cast. Can you possibly trust any bank in this day and age?And quite clearly, this latest smash-up was obviously clearly ochestrated to great effect. In the final analysis the world will have to go back to gold and silver. Silver has always been the people's money. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Sat, 13 April 2013
![]() presents Gold plunged $84 an ounce yesterday and Silver was off $1.81. We discussed this event with Ranting Andy Hoffman, whom like your host isn't terribly concerned. Everything but the Dow Jones Average is pointing to the next phase of the collapse. This slam down was just a panic reaction by the financial elites and probably the government too. This is explains why Myles Franklin had its busiest day in 24 years of doing business. Andy's advice is keep on buying. He is. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Sat, 13 April 2013 presents Gold plunged $84 an ounce yesterday. Silver skidded $1.81. This has a lot of die hard precious metals holders reaching for the garbage pail. However, if you need reassuring, look at the fundamentals. First, there is no recovery! It's quite obvious. Foodstamps, medicare, medicaid, disability and social security payments are all escalating. Throw in a dash of Obamacare, and the bankruptcy of the US and the Western World continues on unabated. What do you trust more, your bank account or the gold in your pocket? Because that is the real choice, and no matter how the elite tries to manipulate your perception of reality, there is no safer place to put your money. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets