Wed, 10 April 2013 presents Commander David Stevens (Ret) and I spoke just before a meteor rained down on Russia. Talk about vindication coming from the heavens, Dave has been warning our leaders and humanity about the possibility of catastrophic asteroid and comet strikes on planet Earth. Obviously, he must know something that we don't. While it's a difficult subject to address, by simply eliminating a little bit of government waste around the planet, a system could be put in place to protect you from this possible extinction event. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 10 April 2013 presents
Jonathan Burton is a noted investment expert and writer. While it appears that the entire world has recently discovered high dividend stocks, Jonathan caustions that they often come with added risk. You need to do your research to be certain that the dividend is safe and secure. You also need to understand that these stocks are susceptible to market corrections, just like the rest of your portfolio. There is no such thing as a risk free investment. Your challenge is to understand the risks inherent in any investment and use readily available strategies to minimize it. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 10 April 2013 presents Gary Gibson joined FSN today. He's kicking himself in the butt, just as yours truly, for not buying bitcoins when they 50 cents a piece. While the alternative currency is rapidly escalating in price, it could go even higher. At $253 per bitcoin it's hard to imagine it doing so, but it's certainly a possibility. This is the first of many emerging digital currencies that willsweep the globe. Perhaps a currency that is locked in at a maximum of 21 million units is more trustworthy than currencies like the dollar and the euro which can be manufactured in infinite quantities. Beware, governments know that this is a major threat to their currency monopoly and it's just a matter of time till they declare war upon alternative currencies. Be ready! Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 10 April 2013 presents Shock of all shocks. Marijuana tourism is happening now in Washington State and Colorado. And it promises to be a financial windfall, for business and the government. An entire industry is being legitimized before our very eyes. From custom made $350 glass bongs to marijuana infused baked goods, free market economic expansion is being allowed to work its magic. Perhaps it's a sign of things to come. No doubt, more states will be liberalizing the weed, once they see the economically beneficial effects in CO and WA. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets