When it comes to being a successful trader you fail your way to success, it's really that simple. Like all aspiring traders, Chris blew up his account several times until he figured out the key to success. Now he's teaching others and trying to help them avoid failing their way up in the process. It's not easy to learn, especially trading options, but if you stick to it and use Chris's system, you might just succeed your way to success. 

Direct download: Christopher_Uhl_16.Mar.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

The market is setting up for quite an advance in April. What the March crash did was reset sentiment. It’s a slingshot sending markets higher. Totally counter-intuitive. This is how markets work. It puts so many of us into the wrong side of the market. It’s emotional and you need to stop trying reason with the market. 

Back in 2017 Avi set a target of 2200 before the rally began its ascent to just below 4000. It’s been playing out very accurately. Elliott Wave Theory simply tracks human psychology. It’s been guiding Avi extremely well. Other systems have validity too. 

The Russell 2000 still has much upside left to go. Tremendous opportunity in the next few month. 

Precious metals, big time bottoming coming up over the next week or two. That could lead to a major move in metals and miners this coming year. A similar set-up to 2016.

Rates may go higher, but look for a yo-yoing in bond prices. Stay away. Once the rally is complete in 2023 (S&P 6000), looking for a rising rate deflation. There’s potential for really bad pro-longed bear market, but there’s time. 

Direct download: Avi_Gilburt_15.Mar.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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