Bold captains are required for rough seas. On the surface the two could not appear more different. Churchill was an amazing orator and Trump is an amazing tweeter. Churchill was a drinker and took afternoon naps. Trump is a teetotaler and hardly sleeps at all. They were both prepared to take advice from experts and advisors around them, however they always acted on their gut. In the end, both of them were always proven to be right. Both have been continually derided as being wrong and wreckless, however they were always right in the long run. And they each have their failings, as do all men. Does the man make the time or does the time make the man? Their life experiences and what they learned prepared them to be the right men for their time. And time will tell. 

Direct download: Nick_Adams_22.Apr.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Craig Hemke and I have been warning you for many years that we would one day arrive at this point and here we are. $6 trillion in stimulus, oil trading at negative prices, people locked down in their homes and the global economy in shambles. 2008-09 was a dry run for what we are facing today. Gold stocks like Newmont and Barrack may be the only stocks with increased earnings. Perhaps mining companies should be buying energy futures as this is a major cost center for mining. There’s lots more here that you need to listen carefully to. 

Direct download: Craig_Hemke_22.Apr.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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