Argentina defaults on its debt for a change. Housing market implodes. While many of us working at home haven’t felt the full brunt of the quarantine, those who have to go to a physical job there’s risk involved. Housing isn’t the epicenter of the collapse this time, it’s more collateral damage. Houses are not a substitute for savings. Second homes will become a luxury that few can afford. Most people are used to bubble market prices and that’s about to change. And Airbnb hosts are in real trouble, no one is traveling or going on vacation. No one wants to go into a stranger’s house right now. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_06.Apr.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EDT

The private sector has stepped up to the plate. New tests, vaccines and drugs are being tested and approved very quickly. There’s been some success with Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine. Many private companies are working night and day to find treatments and vaccines. Many companies are stepping up to the plate to provide needed supplies and protective products to the public. Often the government is slowing it down or denying access to drugs in life or death situations. How are countries with Medicare for All systems working, not well in Spain and Italy. California hasn’t seen its cases explode yet. Probably because of its spread out nature and lack of mass transit. 

Direct download: Sally_Pipes_06.Apr.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT






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