Globalism, Leftism and the mainstream media are truly headed down the tubes. Amazing what a pandemic will do. We're no longer fixated on transgender athletes and who should be able to use what restroom. It's on to important business. The MSM's latest fake Trump news borders on the absurd. It seems that Trump and his family trusts own shares in a mutual fund that owns shares in a big pharma company that makes Hydroxychloroquin (a drug showing promising results in treating Covid 19). From that twisted bit of logic, Trump has been pushing the drug because he will profit from it. His actual indirect interest in the company is between $99 to $15,000: hardly a potential windfall. Maybe his interest is because the drug actually appears to be helpful in treating the Coronavirus. Who would have ever believed that? 

Will Joe Biden make it to the virtual Democrat convention? Steve believes that it's virtually impossible to kick Biden off the ticket at this late date. I'm betting that a bathtub accident takes him out. What do you think? 

Direct download: Steve_Turley_08.Apr.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Gary Wagner and I speak for a while, but to sum it all up, gold is going much much higher. Keep watching it as it goes up and up, or maybe even buy some while you're at it. And don't forget silver because it's going up too!

Direct download: Gary_Wagner_08.Apr.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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