Looking at Bitcoin, remember that if we have learned anything since the crash, the elites will not go quietly into the dark. They're going to fight it with everything they have, including criminalization, super high taxes and criminal sanctions. Are you ready to go to prison for possession of Bitcoin with intent to distribute? I know I'm not. 

Part 2 of the MSM meltdown and the NFL continues. Every time you look it just keeps getting worse for the media and the NFL. Trump's enemies just won't admit what's really going on here. Rather they blame it the concussion revelations and Joe Sixpack's desire to spend more time with his family. Who are we kidding here? Only themselves. 

Direct download: TLR_426_12.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49pm EST

All bubbles work exactly the same way. There's always a rationalization why this time is different. So far in history, this time has never been different. Will it be now? The odds are against it, but you never know. That's why if you're sitting on huge paper profits it's a good time to consider making them real. Not all, but perhaps a meaningful amount. Remember all those dot com/dot bomb billionaires. They can now be found in some of the trendiest restaurants, waiting tables. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_12.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

New York Times bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper columnist Ellis Henican has covered President Trump from his boy-developer days in New York City to the present day. Henican's latest book "Trumpitude: The Secret Confessions of Donald's Brain" is a cheat sheet to the inside of the president's brain. It reveals what Donald Trump is really thinking, whether he knows it or not. It is packed with his own advice on how to be more Trumpian.

Direct download: Ellis_Henican_12.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Gregor will be launching Physical Crypto Storage through his company, Silver Bullion. Just as the company has secured physical precious metals for customers over the years, it will also be storing cryptocurrencies in a physical format in its Singapore Vault.

They will be encrypting the private keys of cryptocurrencies and laser etching the encrypted key on a physical card for storage. Take a look at explanatory video and whitepaper for download here => https://www.thesafehouse.sg/physical-crypto-storage.

Direct download: Gregor_Gregersen_12.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm EST






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