Tue, 19 December 2017
What's going of with trade in the US? The deficit, especially with China, keeps going up and up. Will Trump be able to stem the tide? Eventually, these deficits will become a major problem and lead to further economic decline. But maybe Trump will really fix it. Right? |
Tue, 19 December 2017
It's no secret that Ned Schmidt isn't a fan of Bitcoin and crypto currencies. He believes that when push comes to shove, and it will, investors will flock back to precious metals. It was only a few years ago when investors were all in on $50 silver, it was a new era, never to go down again. And look what happened then. Past is often prologue. The final chapter has yet to be written. And right now there's a lot happening in ag commodities that most people are unaware of. China is going into ethanol Bigly. And they're going to buy their corn from somewhere. Guess what that will do to corn prices? And there's lots more where that came from . |
Tue, 19 December 2017
Jeffrey Small has just authored a #1 Amazon bestseller. He says, "We’re in a time when we need good financial information and excellent financial advice. We’re not getting it, and that’s a huge problem. Life expectancy is longer, medical costs are rising, Social Security is tenuous, and markets are rocky. The information that enters our homes, whether it is through the mail, the TV, or the internet, is dubious at best. The smiling investment guy in the suit offering to help may not be any better. This book was written so opportunities won’t be lost behind everything else you’re bombarded with concerning your finances — and so you can put your interests first. It will clear up a lot of misconceptions, stop the leaks, and provide a clear view and best path to viable options." |
Tue, 19 December 2017
Alex Stansczyk is managing director of Physical Gold Fund. With his background, you might expect a certain antipathy towards crypto currencies, however, you'd be wrong. While Alex doesn't see them as a substitute for gold, largely due to the issue of physicality, he believes that they could be a very important contributor to the global economic system. That is if the government will really leave them alone. And that's the questions. While other prohibitions have been less than stellar successes, none of the banned items ever posed and existential threat to the powers that be. The right to issue a currency is the key to their power. Will they ever willing give it up? |