Tue, 26 December 2017
Gerard Lameiro was one of the few who called the election for Trump (along with us of course) long before it actually happened. He made 37 predictions, many of which have also come to pass. And now he believes that the tax bill is a tipping point. We both agree that there will be another one far more helpful for Americans than this less than perfect bill. But, it's all happening according to plan. Which is why Gerard's new book More Great News for America is sure to be a hit. |
Tue, 26 December 2017
Short sellers need dopamine too. Bubbles are dopamine triggers, in fact some of the best known to man available without a prescription. We're just wired to engage in behavior that spurs dopamine production. We can't help ourselves which is why we keep getting sucked into bubbles and why you're just naturally a Bubbler. |
Tue, 26 December 2017
Dr. Elaina George writes, "The passage of the Republican tax reform bill with the removal of the mandate is a win for the American patient and doctor. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act there has been a steady unraveling of the American healthcare system. There has been a loss of access to healthcare for those who live in rural areas and those who are underserved in cities; the middle and working class have been priced out by high insurance premiums and the exponential rise in out of pocket costs; there has been a devastating loss of independent physicians (now accounting for only 30% of practicing physicians); and has been a steady rise in the consolidation of corporate hospital systems and medical insurance companies. Each change has caused a decrease in choice with a resultant rise in cost leading to the all too familiar ‘too big to fail’ phenomenon. The removal of the mandate allows those who cannot afford to purchase a product or those who have purchased a product that they don’t need or want to be free to find healthcare coverage that will work for them. The best part about the law is a change in a direction that respects the individual. If you like the ACA you can keep it, but if you don’t like it you will no longer be penalized. This one change will allow consumer driven healthcare to thrive and encourage the market create products that will benefit the patient. The argument that the ACA has increased access has been disingenuous. After the passage it became obvious that the promises made were never going to be kept." |