Andy Schectman runs one of the most trusted companies in the bullion space. He's confident that the numerous anomalies popping up in the metals markets spell big profits down the road. Things like Palladium selling for more than Platinum. Numistmatic coins selling at par to bullion. And many others. Markets tend to normalize over time and that means profits will result. 

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

Bix Weir has many non-traditional views about many topics. And often he's right. Now he believes that the sex scandals are about to really hit the fan. What we've been seeing is just a foreshadowing of what's really about to happen. There have been many rumors and who knows, they could all be true. 

Cryptos are going much higher and will save man from a global economic apocalypse. That's why Venezuela is about to go full crypto at least as far as their currency is concerned. Will it make a difference? 

Direct download: Bix_Weir_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

According to Lew Weiss, manufacturing makes up 20-percent of the nation's GDP. In many ways it is the engine that drives the economy. So, it is with concern, that manufacturers watch the new tax overhaul bill making its way through Congress.

"This is a tax overhaul measure that is being change almost on a daily basis and we want to make sure Congress knows we need further incentives to grow and protect our industry," says the co-host of 'Manufacturing Talk Radio' and CEO of All Metals & Forge in NJ Lew Weiss (see short bio below).

Key Senators from Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Oregon have expressed concern tax reform could chop away at manufacturing incentives and further weaken the industry. They have made clear current tax incentives, which could be eliminated, are vital to job creation.

"Congress needs to understand that our industry is quickly evolving and only protections and incentives can keep it moving in the right direction," says Weiss.

Direct download: Lew_Weiss_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EST

John looks for the little things to get an idea of where the economy and by extension the markets are headed. Right now RV sales are through the roof. But that's not necessarily a good thing. RV sales usually pop at the end of a market run up. People are feeling good with money in their pockets and they splurge. And what better toy than an RV, at least to some? Will this time be different or will the RV indicator kick into high gear and show us what this economy is all about? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST






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