Wed, 16 May 2012 presents: When Alasdair Macleod started he wanted to educate decision-makers and other interested people in finance and economics. Through his unique coverage, Alasdair was all about helping clients make informed risk assessments about current economic events and their likely outlook. Now, his goals have expanded. Through his recent association with The Goldmoney Foundation, Alasdair's seeking to educate the public about the causes of today's global economic calamity as well as the possible solutions to it. In this interview, Alasdair makes an extremely articulate case for sound money and the end of the Welfare/Warfare state. Hopefully his words will reach the many people suffering the disastrous effects of Keynesianism and ignorant economic policy. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Wed, 16 May 2012 presents: Danielle and I finally met face to face at the Hard Assets investment conference in New York City. One of the great things about FSN is the ability to meet people and make new friends around the world. I've been interviewing her and having economic discussions for many months. So holding an interview live was a lot of fun. We talked a lot about the recent precious metals correction. Personally, I believe it's temporary and defies all reason. The Elites are no doubt behind it, this is their last ditch effort to somehow salvage the world economic system that has served them so well, for so long. Danielle however, makes a number of valid points about investor discipline. She says we all need rules to guide us when making important decisions. Danielle's approach is very compelling because once you've got a buying and selling plan mapped out, you're in a position to control your emotions and you won't make rash decisions at the most inopportune times. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Wed, 16 May 2012 presents: Eric Sprott had just finished his keynote address at the Hard Assets investment conference in NYC when he took a few minutes from his busy schedule to speak with FSN. While being rational about the recent decline, he was no happier about it than anyone else. Eric understands these markets better than almost, and he's built his fortune and reputation on the sector. Through his ETF's, his various investment and financing vehicles, he's a dominant figure in the industry. Eric says he has no intentions of selling. He made some very poignant points about numerous countries facing their Minsky Moments, the time when the government concludes it can no longer service its debt, let alone pay it off. The number of countries arriving at this crucial event is rising dramatically. So all any of us can do is simply wait and see. If you're confident in your decisions and understand the system is in a full-scale existential crisis, there's really nothing else you can do. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Direct download: Precious_Metals_Bull_Market_is_Still_Intact-Eric_Sprott--16.05.2012.mp3
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