Chris and I discussed many alarming events happening around the globe. Like Britney Spears' sale of her house in California so she could move in with her fiance. Then there was Nicki Minaj's wardrobe malfunction on American Idol and her beef with JLo. Forget the dollar losing its reserve status or constant and continual manipulation of the gold and silver markets. There are so many other negative events which are occurring just beneath the surface. It is often said that markets determine the headlines, rather than the headlines determining the markets. Or perhaps we are just seeing the pre-holiday calm before what promises to be the mother of all economic storms. Either way, April has always been a consequential month, with both the Revolutionary War and the Civl War starting in the fourth month of the year.

Are we predicting war or worse? Hardly! Just beware of the signs of quickening economic turmoil that the world has been attempting to get a handle on for the past four years. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:49pm EDT

Dr. Joseph Salerno economics professor at Pace University, my alma mater, graciously sat down with FSN today to examine the reasons why we're experiencing the continued and extended global economic collapse. While there are many causes, first and foremost is the drift away from honest money to fiat money. This, of course, was facilitated by the Federal Reserve. It has enabled the world to run tremendous deficits and debase currencies around the globe. It has also fueled the wave of militaristic adventurism we've been experiencing for decades. 

Dr. Salerno has dedicated his life to educating and enlightening students to the history of money and monetary collapses. Inflation is always a symptom of far deeper problems and this time is no different. Dr. Salerno is one of the best known Austrian School Economists in the world; he is Vice President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. The Mises Institute provides invaluable information and resources to combat the forces of economic ignorance and Keynesianism. The battle is being waged on mind at a time, but when the currency collapse is felt by all, the pace will no doubt accelerate. 

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Direct download: Joseph_Salerno_03-30-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm EDT

Gary Gibson of is thinking about spreading the wealth. No, not giving it away to undeserving parasites who pray upon the producing class. But rather, diversifying his assets to other countries around the globe. This could mean buying real estate in South America, putting gold and silver beyond the reach of greedy bureaucrats, or other measures aimed at ensuring the financial crisis doesn't take you down with it. 

Gary's concerned about creeping totalitarianism, and the extent the government will go to finance its burgeoning operations. Government is like an injured wild animal that's been cornered. It will stop at nothing to ensure its survival. So, as always, it's best to be prepared and to keep your options open. 

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Direct download: Gary_Gibson_03-29-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56am EDT






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