Mon, 4 June 2012 presents: Andy Hoffman was ecstatic, almost euphoric today. Gold went up over $66 per ounce last Friday, and the NY Mets won their first no-hitter in the team's history. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, gold and silver are under attack today, but they're holding up extremely well. But this week promises to be an extremely volatile one. The Bernanke is appearing before Congress, the EU has a major meeting coming up, and there's, as always, lots of opportunity for mayhem. So breaking out the Champagne might be a little premature, but don't start hitting the hard stuff yet to flush away your sorrow. We may not have turned the corner quite yet, but it's starting to look like the bottom is behind us. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Mon, 4 June 2012 presents: Richard Bernstein has been involved in the insurance industry for decades; he was once an insurance advisor to Donald Trump. He's done a full scale analysis of the upcoming bill and knows that it will be a disaster. He thinks there's three good parts and the rest is evil and will lead to more government control over you medical treatment and health. While the insurance industry takes a big hit from the public, reduction of fraud and frivolous law suits would go a long way towards reducing the price of health care in America. But rather than addressing those issues, the government believes they need to step in and reduce our access to vital treatments. Hospitals are trying to control the doctors to mitigate their legal exposure, with potentially catastrophic results. In the end, we all hope that the US Supreme Court sees through it all and rules it unconstitutional. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Sat, 2 June 2012 presents: Zerohedge, one of our favorite financial sites, because the proprietors are wired to the real insiders. They excerpted a piece by legendary investor and Goldman alum, Raoul Pal. He explains that at best there's six more months to go before the global financial reset takes place. He details the end of fractional reserve banking as we know it. There's no avoiding the ultimate crash because $70 trillion of Western Sovereign Debt is holding up over $700 trillion worth of derivatives. No wonder he likens all this to the eye of a hurricane, from which we are just emerging. We're not talking about any ordinary hurricane, like Katrina which was a category 4-5. Rather, we're talking about a category 10 storm that will leave no financial edifice standing in its path. But gold and silver will help get us through, and this nuclear economic winter will pass. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Sat, 2 June 2012
![]() presents: Friday, June 1, 2012, was National Donut Day, and why shouldn't we all celebrate a food/grease type that's put more inches on the nation's collective waist than just about any other food out there. While Nanny Michael Bloomberg, New York's anti-fun mayor, attempts to ban double gulp, super-sized, sugary, soft drinks, the real obesity war is being lost at Krispy Kremes and Dunkin Donuts stores in New York City and around the nation. But as Val Hughes and Mo Mentum explained, investing in obesity producers is a must win strategy. Will Rogers once said, "Invest in inflation, it's the only thing going up." Well things have changed greatly in the past 100 years. If Will were alive today, he'd be saying, "Invest in America's waist size, it's is only going up. Go to
Sat, 2 June 2012 presents: Mickey Fulp and I reviewed the May monthly market stats, and boy were they ugly. Virtually everything was down, except for natural gas, which couldn't go much lower anyway. Gold, silver, copper, oil, you name it, all down. But fear not--June is a time to enjoy the beginnings of summer. While often times, "Sell in May and Go Away" applies, this time could very well be different. June 1 was probably the start of something big, but it is extremely important to review market trends each month so you can get an insight into where things are heading. Don't miss the upcoming Fracking Roundtable next Friday, June 8. Mickey. This technology is literally the key to America's and the World's future. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Fri, 1 June 2012 presents: David Morgan and I have been having too many precious metals panic reports, so we figured it was a good time to give a rally report. Today gold is up over $66 per ounce and silver's rallied over $0.80 per ounce. These are dramatic, sudden, and possibly significant moves. Gold's up over 4 percent in one day, an extremely rare occurrence, with silver following suit; silver's up at just around a three percent increase. There have been signs of a precious metals rally on the horizon. The volume at the downside was slowing dramatically. The volume today was incredibly robust. All things considered, this might just be the breakout we were waiting for, and the persistent and continual bad news about the Euro and the daily disastrous job numbers could be the catalyst for an upward resumption. A couple of days ago, Sell in May and Go Away, looked like very sound advice. But today, June 1, 2012, on National Donut Day, the skids could be greased for overweighted returns in the precious metals markets. Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Fri, 1 June 2012 presents: Robert Ian, of, joined us to discuss the crumbling financial system. Recoveries come and go, but foreclosures are still going up and food stamp usage continues to climb. A debt jubilee is becoming more and more likely as the keepers of the status quo run out of options. This is great if you owe money, but not so great if you're one of those rare and endangered species known as a Saver. While the meek will eventually inherit the earth, right now the banksters and their hoard of parasites are in complete control. You'll know they've become irrelevant when you see the price of gold and silver shooting up to new heights. But don't think you'll be willing and able to buy at higher prices. The opportunity is now, but most will no doubt neglect it! Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Fri, 1 June 2012 presents: Ty Andros joined us for a mutual celebration of National Donut Day. It was largely a spiritual celebration as neither of us can afford the extra waist-room to indulge in such fatty treats. It's much more fun to watch the price of gold and silver slam through Da Boyz price roadblock, faster than Jim Cramer can say, "drachma." Is this the final blow out? Our hearts say yes, but experience has made us all caution. Once again, gold is over 1600 and silver is approaching 30 bucks, and this appears to be heralding in yet another financial crisis milestone. Betting against the metals at any time during this bull market has been extremely hazardous to your wealth, unless of course you're wired into the elites. In which case, you could sell in the morning and buy in the evening and retire after a year. But, as F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "The rich are different..." Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.
Fri, 1 June 2012 presents: We spoke with Chris Duane aka The Silvershield late yesterday afternoon, before the awful job numbers came out. He's buying silver on a regular ongoing basis, completely undeterred by the hype and drone of the mainstream media and the mainstream investment/gambling consultants who concentrate on the stock market and other gaming venues. It's refreshing to find someone who's so confident in his beliefs and observations about the crumbling financial paradigm. Many others have jumped ship and probably jumped the shark as well. Chris has been a consistent voice and critic of the existing financial system for years. He's dedicated his life to helping you understand and come to terms with the bleak financial future that lies ahead. Today, gold is up around 50 bucks and silver's up 70 cents! Go to for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.