www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Two geologists and energy analysts with no axes to grind, no scores to settle, and no investments they're hoping will payoff agree that Fracking is safe and necessary from an economic standpoint. In addition, fracking helps to fulfill the United States' and the World's unquenchable thirty for energy. The fact is the current administration has set rules that will help the process grow and continue to increase domestic energy production. While there may have been some negative results in the past, much of the rhetoric used by opponents of the technology is false and lacks any basis in scientific fact. While New York's governor can't quite comprehend these issues, the rest of the country is moving rapidly ahead in developing these much needed resources. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals. 

Direct download: Fulp_LeTourneau_RT_06-15-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm EST

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Dr. Walter Williams has always been ahead of his time. A free market economist, PHD, leading advocate of personal responsibility, Dr. Williams has avoided stereotypes and has been an active voice for getting the government out of your life. He's often been heard guest hosting for conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, but he's developed a large following of his own. And no wonder, he's been fighting a multi-generational battle against ignorance and the belief that government can fix any problem, real or imagined. Dr. Williams has written a number of books, and you'll regularly see his articles on Townhall.com, which is why we wanted to speak with him about the state of the economy and the ever dimming prospects for freedom. 

We had a far ranging discussion about where the country and the world are heading and how history will look upon this era. Individual rights and freedoms are under attach now, as they have been throughout history. Whether we go further down the road to totalitarianism or again embrace our heritage of freedom, the final chapter has yet to be written. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Walter_Williams_06-15-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10pm EST

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Greg Hunter of www.USAWatchDog.com joined FSN for the first time yesterday. Greg is a former mainstream media news reporter who woke up one day and realized the USA was quickly becoming a kleptocracy. When he started interviewing truth tellers like John Williams (ShadowStats.com) and Jim Sinclair, his contract wasn't renewed, in spite of his high ratings and popularity. So Greg Hunter did what so many of us are doing now; he started a blog and transferred his vast media experience to the Internet. Now he's got thousands of viewers around the world. As that old show used to say, "The truth is out there." Greg's getting it out, the best he can, and so is the Financial Survival Network. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Greg_Hunter_06-14-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:33pm EST

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The Value Guys are at their alcoholic finest today with a new and improved screen that is sure to reap many laughs, if not oversized profits. They've got a new value screen that's picked out some potential winners including: KGJI (Kingold Jewelry), OMI (Owens & Minor) and USHS (US Homes Systems); three low-cap, potentially high profit, companies. If nothing else, you'll find their thoughtful and penetrating analysis to be humorous, if not compelling. And the biggest disclosure of all, those Wall Streeters who've been trading on insider information have been losing money just like the rest of us. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Value_Guys_06-12-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

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Tom Bevan of www.RealClearPolitics.com believes the election has shifted, and the Obama Team must now come from behind to win the re-election. The economic news has been uniformly wretched, Obama has been making gaffes by the boat load, and there's not very much time to turn it all around. Blaming Bush for all of the world's ills is not a recipe for success. So far, the Administration has not come up with a an optimistic vision of the future. And really, how can they? Europe is imploding, inflation is around the corner, and the populace is furious with the governing class. Perhaps this is one of those rare generational shifts that periodically occurs in the American political landscape. Or perhaps, it's just another election where nothing much will really change, except now there's no "hope for change."

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Tom_Bevan_06-14-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

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Alasdair Macleod of the GoldMoney Foundation joined us for a discussion of the escalating bank runs now taking place in Europe. Confidence in Greek, Spanish and Italian banks is at an all time low. It is estimated that $1 billion per day is flowing out of these banks and into "safer" banks in Germany and Switzerland. Eventually currency controls will have to be implemented, but this may coincide with suspension of passport free travel throughout Europe. While Americans may sleep easily at night, believing their savings are insured by the FDIC and believing the Federal Government will never let the banks fail, Europeans aren't under any such illusions. They're seeking relative safety, rather than the promise of a return. Italy has reached the point where return of capital is far more important than return on capital. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Alasdair_McCleod_06-14-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16pm EST

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John Bulter, author of The Golden Revolution, is catching on fast., and the international CFA institute has scheduled John to address a large group of Certified Financial Analysts. Seems main stream companies are starting to worry about the value of their currency holdings. What a surprise that is. At FSN we've been warning that the day was coming when large corporations who are sitting on trillions in cash, would start thinking about diversifying their holdings into precious metals. While there have been a number of companies, including Northwest Mutual Life, the University of Texas Endowment and others, there will soon be a tidal wave of large investors seeking the security of precious metals for their company's cash hoards. John's right there at the cutting edge.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals. 

Direct download: John_Butler_06-13-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am EST

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The upcoming Greek election, along with Monday's news of the $100 billion fix aka the Spanish bailout are at the forefront of global economic news. While they don't want to call it a bailout, free money is being given, and Danielle says that the people that are trading this market are filled with blind hope. In the past few years, every federal bank intervention has come with big pops in risk assets that have lasted several months. While some people were able to harness this in a trade, most stayed too long and got knee-capped on the way out. It seems that in the past there has always been some hope that the next round of QE would cause markets to pop. But, today the euro bailout scenario is so short lived that no one can really participate in it. Don't be fooled!

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Danielle_Park_061212.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm EST

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According to Jeff Clark precious metals mania is on the horizon in the not too distant future. On a long term basis, gold and silver are going to preserve your purchasing power where as cash is not. Since Y2K, the dollar has lost an incredible 26% of its purchasing power, and this trend is going to continue. Although gold has been flat since last September, its purchasing power is still stronger in the long run. Most people havent discovered precious metals yet, and we both agree silver is very undervalued right now. Precious metals should be viewed as your savings; gold and silver prices will go higher from current levels. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Jeff_Clark_061212.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

James Turk of www.GoldMoney.com joined us today to discuss the ever deteriorating European/Euro debacle. Greece is having its Grapes of Wrath-Steinbeck moment and as you would expect, their government is absolutely clueless about what can be done about it. But in emergencies, one thing we can all count on is that government will fail, and they will attempt to convince the populace they're in control and solving the problem. Which is why James has started the GoldMoney Foundation: he wants to educate people about sound money and limited government. Right now, the audience for such ideas is narrow. However, with each progression on the road to economic collapse, the number of awakened individuals increases and the demand for gold and silver goes up as well. The problem is that most people will not get it until paper money has ceased to function. Hopefully, through all of our efforts, many people will be able to avoid this fate. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: James_Turk_06-13-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25am EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

John and Monica Miller, formerly of Hawaii and now residents of New Zealand, have written the book The Coming Banking Holiday, which should give any thinking American pause for thought and concern over his/her savings and his/her bank accounts. There have been many banking failures over the centuries, and while Americans have rarely lost their money in the bank collapses, there are no guarantees in life. The Millers believe that Australia offers some of the best financial conditions in the free world. The Country is debt-free and the wealth is staggering. It is a resource based economy that is still prospering. Therefore, before capital controls and retirement account seizure takes place, this is certainly a place that should be considered when trying to internationalize assets. And while they drive on the wrong side of the road, the weather is quite nice, and there are some incredible beaches and cities. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: John_Miller_06-12-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:48pm EST

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Charles Biederman of www.TrimTabs.com has been selling research to hedge funds and other Wall Street groups for many years. Now he's providing valuable information to individuals around the globe. While he's been short term bearish on metals, Charles is an established trader who's able to profit from these moves like most individuals cannot. His model portfolio is 25% gold and shorts on the Euro among other positions. Personally, I'm long on Rottweilers; these canine protectors are among the best, and if it all hits the fan, you'll need effective protection for your home and family. Spreading out your holdings is also a wise move and should be considered. Global uncertainty is going to have affects upon every person in the world, whether you're prepared or not. So better to be ready when the inevitable comes. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Charles_Biederman_06-11-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

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Bix Weir says things are heating up in Europe and once there's no Euro, there won't be a dollar for too long after that. Once Europe implodes, it's goodbye time for the derivative markets. We're already seeing the start, in Italy a bank holiday was declared by BNI bank, depositors presently cannot access their funds or pay bills. However, fear not, the bank will still accept payment for debts owed to them. But pretty soon, those debts, along with the bank's deposits may very well cease to exist. Which is why gold, silver and a quantity of paper notes is still your best financial survival program. Bix will be checking in more as the situation heats up; and, the way things are going, it could boil over at any moment. Thank goodness we have the FDIC in the US. They'll never let our giga banks go under. You can always trust the government to do the right thing for sure. Ha!

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: BixWeir06-11-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm EST

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Elijah Johnson interviewed me today to get my take on the impending dollar collapse. I won't give an exact date for the collapse because it is part of a long term trend, and because the collapse will happen as a series of events. Europe, which is in dire straights, is at the forefront of this series of events. Don't be fooled by the recent Spanish bailout, the debt is still on the books of every financial institution in the world. A gold backed system is the only antidote to the current global depression; the ability to create unlimited numbers of currency units is fundamentally corrosive to free markets and capitalism. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.



Direct download: Eliah_Johnson_06-11-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm EST

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Peter Schiff joined us again for a discussion of his latest book, The Real Crash. While much of what Peter predicted in his prior books has come to pass, the ultimate crash has yet to happen. And judging from his recent testimony at Congress, the elected representatives do not have a clue what's going and what their previous policy blunders are causing. It is evident that they have absolutely no conception of economic realities and that every dollar the government spends is forcibly removed from the private sector, thereby decreasing economic activity and lowering incomes and taxes that eventually get paid. And because they are unwilling or unable to understand these effects, the crash gets closer and closer. How many people Peter will eventually be credited with saving is anyone's guess, but he must be given credit for sounding the alarm bells earlier than just about anyone else. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Peter_Schiff_06-12-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EST

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Another Monday, another session with "Ranting" Andy Hoffman. The so-called Spanish Bank Bailout is purely illusionary and isn't really happening. Rather, it is an effort to convince the people of the world that something is being done and that the situation is under control. In reality, the world economy is being ravaged like a California forest by a wild fire. They're pouring all the water they can to put the fire out, but there's not enough water in the world to bring it under control. The fire must run its course, and the best we can hope for is that once the forest has been burned to the ground, we can try to stop it from reigniting.

On the subject of ETF's and whether they're really holding all the gold they claim to, the Funds have been caught flat-footed with the disclosure that the gold bar held up by CNBC reporter Bob Pisani, during his visit to the GLD vault at an undisclosed location, was actually owned by another ETF, unrelated to GLD. That's why there's no substitute for physical gold and silver. Watch the weight, not the price.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.


Direct download: Ranting_Andy_061112.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Former Special Agent Joe Navarro has worked on major criminal investigations, counter-terrorism operations, and consulted with world famous poker professionals on the science of reading non-verbal (body language) communications. I recently read his latest book, What Every BODY Is Saying. It was an eye opener and something I believe you can profit from greatly. Ever wonder what that stock broker was really thinking when he shook your hand and smiled? How about when Ben Bernanke gives a statement and is squirming in his seat before Congress? Or how about when your child gets home after curfew and proceeds to give you a whole song and dance about car trouble?

Joe has devoted his life and his career to find out the answers to these questions and much more. You'll find the answers to these questions both useful and entertaining. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Joe_Novarro_06-11-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:43am EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Alan Ellman has been writing covered calls for years. We're all skeptical of someone who appears to have a system for turning the tables on the Wall Street exploitation machine, but he's always finished up the year ahead of the machine. And his system is simple and easy to use. Of course like anything else in investing, it requires time and knowledge to become proficient at it. But Alan is confident that any motivated individual of average intelligence can succeed at it. And while FSN believes that a core precious metals holding is always essential to protecting wealth and guarding against reckless government spending and money printing, until the financial system breathes its last gasp, we all need to stay involved in investing and maximize our returns, so that we can keep our metals hoard safe and undisturbed and live off our fiat paper based income, which is why Alan's advice is so valuable. 

And he's also a dentist, but soon plans to give up his day job. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Alan_Ellman_06-08-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:55pm EST

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Ty Andros is back examining the international monetary system with great disdain, as usual. Ty is one of those people who has voted with his wallet. He's left the creeping totalitarianism of Chicago, and it's greatly expanding Thugocracy, for the greener pastures of income tax-free Florida. There's so much going on in the world and gold and silver will be the eventual beneficiaries of the current upheaval. The sentiment indicators and prices charts point to gold and silver's bottom. Helicopter Ben has been unequivocal about his intention to inflate the currency into oblivion, but he's still trying the shell game in an effort to fool investors into keeping faith in fiat currency and undermine their faith in the metals. How long this effort can continue is anybody's guess. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Ty_Andros_06-08-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

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Ben Bernanke makes his little announcement that neither confirms nor denies QE3, and the gold market goes down $27 in a few minutes. What shock! But there's a much bigger picture than the Big Man pretending to state something important. There's disaster all around, both domestically and especially internationally, and there's nothing he can or will do about it. He's not there to help the middle class, and he's certainly not going to help the poor. He's the servant of the elites, and they're calling all the shots. So ignore today and be ready for tomorrow. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: TLR_194.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm EST

To all of you out there listening, as always, a heart felt thanks. We've been at BlogWorld New York for the past few days, figuring out how to better do the show and better serve your needs. But I wanted to take a break and acknowledge the passing of our close friend, Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster. While we sent out an email to everyone on our list, we wanted to make sure that each of you understood the importance and reverance with which we held Bob. He was a clear voice of reason in a very confused and confusing time. Bob was a true friend to me, to the show, and to you. He helped so many people through difficult times in their lives, often anonymously; and, he helped prepare thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands around the globe, for the coming economic disruptions.

Bob, words alone cannot express my gratitude. May your continued journey bring you much peace and contentment--Kerry Lutz 6-7-2012

Direct download: TLR_193.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:59am EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Val Hughes and Mo Mentum put in another superb performance. They discuss layoffs at Goldman Sachs, the failure of the Facebook IPO, which became one gigantic FacePlant, and three good value stocks, gold-especially dental work. The three stocks they review in amusing and alarming detail are AmerisourceBergen Corporation (ABC), Joy Global, Inc. (JOY) and Lorillard, Inc. (LO). 

Let us know how intoxicated investing is working out for you. If you need more advice, more often The Value Guys are now a regular feature on the Financial Survival Network. Who says surviving and thriving in the New Economy shouldn't be fun?

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Value_Guys_06-05-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:44am EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Former Congressman John LeBoutillier joined the Financial Survival Network today to discuss the election and economic trends happening in the US and across the globe. We were interested about his take on the global financial elite, Too Big to Fail Banks, and where he sees our nation heading during this election season, which is currently ramping up. He's currently a contributor to Newsmax.com and he's had a box seat, while watching the decline of America.

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: John_L_060512.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02pm EST

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John Rubino joined us yesterday to discuss Europe and its impending failure. John says, and I agree, the Euro was designed with egregious flaws, and under the current system it's not fixable. Chaos is a real possibility because the peripheral countries in Europe are in depression now; their unemployment levels are as bad as those of the U.S. in the 1930's. These countries cannot devalue their currency because only the European Central Bank can control monetary policy. The only foreseeable solution would be internal devaluation by cutting labor costs, but this creates so much anger among the population. The people in charge of Europe feel a legitimate sense of urgency, and you should too. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: John_Rubino_06-04-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02pm EST

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Martin Armstrong, noted market analyst extraordinaire, joined FSN for a far reaching interview about the current direction of the economic system and the future of the Euro, Gold and the Dollar. His new book is due out just before the election and it promises to be a real bombshell. Martin's done what few people have had the desire or commitment to: he went back to the Great Depression and analyzed the sovereign debt defaults and the true underlying causes.While this time is definitely different, there are many striking parallels. Sovereign debt defaults are the rule, not the exception, this time as well as last. The politician's inability, lack of desire and incomprehension are the same this time as well. The attempt to print the world's way out of the jam is another recurring theme. Which just proves that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Try telling that to Congress!

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Martin_Armstrong_MF_060412_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST





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