Wed, 16 December 2020
As George Carlin once said, “It’s all a big club and you ain’t in it?” Has anyone been paying attention to the departure between the price of gold and the price Bitcoin. Comex and LBMA are applying the equivalent of a date rape drug to gold and silver. It is signaling that the powers that be prefer a digital future to precious metals. The metals market is bound to soar, because the Comex is becoming a cash and carry market. Creation of money is grossly understated by FRED, new money creation has been increased by 3-9 trillion over the past year. However, there are those who believe it is many times over that already frightening number. Eventual hyper-inflation is a given. Witness the sinking dollar. What’s next, a Chinese dystopian crypto-currency. |
Wed, 16 December 2020
The financial state of the world is totally insane. The powers that be somehow believe that printing money will enable countries to avoid recessions and depressions. It’s like believing that blood-letting will cure whatever ails you. We’re now in the 19th recession since the inception of the Fed. In addition to failing at its major responsibility, It’s been totally corrupted. It’s primary mission has devolved into creating unlimited money to fund unlimited government. As Bob notes, this has all happened before. He goes on to give an excellent historical perspective on the madness. Ultimately, the power of the government is used to constrain the middle class. Is there a difference now? Are we in for another Glorious Revolution? A bloodless revolution. Check wikipedia and learn about the Glorious Revolution. When authoritarianism arrives, freedom and prosperity flee always flee. What next in the financial markets. You will find the answer is in the history of all great booms and busts. |