"We saw it coming.... Deep down, we suspected that, after capitulating to mandatory lockdowns, masks, and  social distancing, we would be told to 'man up' and stand in line for MANDATORY vaccines" cautions Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. Dr. Lieberman is not only a Board Certified Psychiatrist, with a Masters in  Public Health, she's a recipient of an NIMH Fellowship in Epidemiology for her UCLA research on how to use the media to prevent and treat physical and mental disorders. 
Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. ('America's Psychiatrist') , a board-certified Beverly Hills psychiatrist and bestselling author is available for interviews.
Dr. Lieberman is NOT telling people NOT to get the vaccine. Indeed, she says, "If you want a vaccine, by all means, go for it. But, if you let the government 'force you' to put something into your body, they will have  crossed the final frontier and your freedom is over!" Dr. Lieberman clarifies, "Does 'mandatory' mean they will come to your house, hold you down and stick a needle in you - like it or not? No (at least not at the moment).  
But, there are other ways of 'forcing' you to do this, and they have already begun. Even if no actual 'law' is  passed that makes it a crime to refuse the vaccine, there are already plans to make life impossible for people who won't simply comply." Here are seven examples: 
1. Vaccination certificates and Immunity passports have quietly become part of the language used when talking about coronavirus - and each has scientific and ethical downsides, as well as black market potential. 
2. Ticketmaster is making plans to verify your vaccination status via smartphone or whether you've tested  negative within a 24-72 hour window before a performance. Every event you want to attend - from the Lakers to Lady Gaga could be off-limits without proof of compliance.
3. Although it may be unconstitutional for the Federal government to make a law requiring you to get a vaccine,  they could do it in more surreptitious ways - such as requiring proof of vaccine to get a passport. 
4. A more serious threat is state and city governments, that can make such laws and create penalties like they have done for people who don't wear masks or who dare to take a walk in the park. These could be fines, taxes or worse. 
5. There is already precedent for Covid19 vaccine mandates to cite - such as when NYC required people in parts of Brooklyn to prove they got the measles vaccine or pay $1,000. Covid hotspots around the country could require the same. Some hospitals require staff to get flu vaccines. Schools require vaccines for certain diseases. But, none of these mandates were accompanied by other draconian measures like we have seen with Covid19. 
6. Companies could fire employees who refuse to get vaccinated, except in rare circumstances where  accommodation could be requested. 
7. Airlines, restaurants, stores and stadiums could also make the vaccine a condition of entry, just like they have done with signs that say, 'No shirt, no shoes, no service'."
Vaccines have been touted as the cure for the pandemic, so its no wonder many people are excited that they're almost here. But, before we roll up our sleeves - or pull down our pants - to get the needle, we need to not only thoroughly investigate the safety of each vaccine, but we also need to 'follow the money' to see who is getting  rich by promoting mass vaccination. Bottom line: Just like with lockdowns, masks, and social distancing, it must be each individual's FREE CHOICE whether we want to take the vaccine or not."
Cited Link I
Cited Link II

Direct download: Dr._Carole_Lieberman_30.Nov.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EDT

Inflation seems to be spreading. Houses are setting records (If CPI Measured Actual House Prices, Inflation Would Be 3% Right Now)

And copper is crushing it: 


How many things have to be soaring before we're in an inflationary environment? 

Still no action on stimulus and all kinds of benefits running out before year-end. 

Economy is starting to slow as people have to dig into savings to buy basics.

Gold still falling. Where's support? Does seasonality matter this year?

Biden's administration is looking like classic business as usual. All Clinton/Obama retreads. 

In other words, the Dems learned exactly nothing from half the country voting for a populist. The mid-terms might be brutal. 

Almost all Republicans believe the Dems stole the election. 

A bar owner in NYC won't close and they took away his liquor license so he declared an "autonomous zone" like in Seattle and stayed open. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_30.Nov.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT






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