Ned joined us today. The Trump rally has taken $100 off the price of gold. It's an irrational reaction to his election. He's not driving it down much more than that. The dollar's rally has probably has gone as far as it can. How much more can it possibly go? The ratio of gold to the S&P has hit a major low point. This isn't a time indicator, but rather a value indicator. At some point it will correct and correlate. The coming rate hike is baked into the price of gold so don't expect a major reaction on December 14, 2016 when the Fed meets. 

New bull market in agricultural commodities is coming. Average gain for ag commodities from their lows is 22%. A good indicator. Worth keeping an eye on. 

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_05.Dec.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

Noted financial advisor Jeffrey Small believes that the Trump Rally is real. The policies that he intends to put in place are already showing results in higher consumer confidence. Jeff expects this trend to continue after the inauguration. However, he sees the best investments in fixed income, fixed yield investments. While the economy may do better, it won't necessarily kick into high gear. Time to be safe rather than sorry. 

Direct download: Jeffrey_Small_05.Dec.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

John notices that whenever anything happens that should kill the stock markets and increase the price of gold, the opposite happens. The Italians reject a pro-EU measure and the Euro goes up. Is there a method to this madness? Perhaps the Gods really are crazy. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_05.Dec.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST






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