It's that special time of year again, yes the holidays are here and that means watch out for identity thieves. It's not like they ever really go away. But because there's so many people out shopping as well as online, you tend to let down your guard and then it's all over. Heather gives common sense tips to stop you from becoming a victim. 

Direct download: Heather_Wagenhals_14.Dec.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

David's new book Second Chance: How to Make and Keep Big Money from the Coming Gold and Silver Shock Wave empowers you to step onto the investment battlefield and leave it a winner. Many people will make fortunes during the coming years. On paper. But, when all is said and done, as the great speculator Jesse Livermore declared, “On paper it will remain.” David Morgan’s research shows decisively that as much as “90% of the profit potential becomes available during the last 10% of the entire bull run" - if you avoid what he calls “the amateur’s mindset.” 


Direct download: David_Morgan_14.Dec.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:47pm EST

What's happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Fed meeting today - beginning of the end of "history's largest bubble, and anti-bubble<>?"

Today's article, "2017 will be defined by money printing and draconian government actions" - such as the exploding war on cash

Yesterday's article re: plunging gold supply for years to come, "the most important, and gold bullish, chart ever<>"

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_14.Dec.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm EST






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