Thu, 29 August 2013 presents
Our 300th Triple Lutz Report and it's hard to believe that we haven't run out of things to say yet. If we haven't by this point I guess we never will. If that upsets some people, they'll just have to get over it. Obamacare just can't seem to catch a break. This ill-conceived poorly implemented piece of Washington garbage is quickly becoming a laughing stock. How bad can it possibly get? Just wait, you ain't seen nothing yet! And just like we promised you, Colorado and the City of Denver are about to discover how much of a cash cow Marijuana really is. They both have tax initiatives on the ballot. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 29 August 2013 presents John Rubino of joined us today. He sees that the real estate bubble, which looked like it was successfully reinflated, has begun to deflate. Higher interest rates, a slowing economy, and other factors appear to be taking their toll. Currently, over half of real purchases taking place are for cash. This means that investors are the primary market and that the public is largely absent from the home market arena. Other disturbing trends are in place. War clouds are on the horizon and the developing economies are seeing hot money draining out of their economies. Where's the next black swan going to appear? Good question and no doubt the answer will present itself shortly. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 29 August 2013 presents Bob Harper has been beating the market for decades. 18 percent average return isn't too shabby. He's got some simple rules that go a long way. In 2008 his only losing year, he lost just a few percent. This year he's up around 20 percent. His golf buddies still can't believe his performance. He doesn't pick indvidual stocks. He invests in index funds with low transaction costs and no commissions. Pretty remarkable performance for a low risk strategy. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 29 August 2013 presents
Martha Guidry is the Concept Queen. She helps businesses, large and small, come up with compelling concepts to drive business and sales. We discussed a number of blunders committed by companies that should have known better. Top of the list was New Coke, which lasted exactly 79 days. Then there was the Ford Edsel, the Ford Pinto and a whole lot more. The point is that even the pros make mistakes, big ones sometimes, but they live to fight another day. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets