Thu, 1 August 2013 presents
Diana and I caught up again. A few more money saving tips, some philosophical discussions and just a general sense that the need to cut back and become even more conservative in your every day expnditures is becoming more urgent by the day. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 1 August 2013 presents
Gregg Fettig joined us for another installment on why neither political party can ever be trusted. It's quite obviousl after listening to him that the current crop of politicians have absolutely no regard for you and your concerns, which is why FSN long ago gave up following them. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 1 August 2013 presents
As bad as you thought things in Detroit are, they're even worse. The former head of the Detroit Department of Transportation runs through a litany of the dysfunction taking place during his brief eight month tenure and it's really quite shocking. From the inability to pay vital vendors, to employees ripping off the system to fraudulent personal injury lawsuits, the DDOT's speciatly is getting taken for a ride. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 1 August 2013 presents
We finally caught up with Jim Rogers to discuss his new book Street Smarts. In it he discusses not only the shift of wealth from West to East, but also the complete restructuring of society. Higher education will be totally revamped. Ivy league schools will be revised and will be a shadow of their former selves. Same thing with Wall Street. That's why younger people need toquickly re-evaluate their options and seek training in the right specialties, such as mining, petroleum and other scientific and agricultural specialties. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets