Wed, 21 August 2013 presents Rick Rule and I sat down today to discuss the current state of the precious metals markets and more. Rick knows that he's ideally situated for the next move up and is content to wait for that move. He's also is extremely bullish on platinum and palladium. As long as the West wants clean air and abhors smog, they will pay whatever it takes to keep their catalytic converters going. The average car has $200 worth of platinum and palladium contained in its converter. If it goes up to $400 or ever $800, auto purchasers will continue to pay the price. And the supplies of the precious metals are not increasing, so future prices are near certain to go up. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 21 August 2013 presents
Paul LeJoy grew up in Africa and spent time traveling around the world. He came to the United States in 2001 and found himself attracted to the real estate business. It wasn't long before he found himself buying properties and earning larger profits selling them. After the 2008-2009 crash he found banks seeking out his expertise to help dispose of the glut of properties they now found themselves owning. Paul realized there was an opportunity here. The banks were involuntary owners and he could help them get rid of their properties at a substantial profit. That's where Paul is now and he's loving every minute. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 21 August 2013 presents
Gordon T. Long is a master of economic analysis and research. He's been carefully studying the numbers and he's come to the inescapable conclusion that the US is entering into a recession and is actually in a stealth depression. The evidence will become so clear in the next two to three months that not even the Ben Bernank will be able to deny it. However, Gordon expects the stock market to continue to rise as flight capital continues to pour into the US from all over the world, much as what Martin Armstrong has called for. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 21 August 2013 presents Opponents of the Detroit Bankruptcy get ready for their last ditch effort to try to stop the inevitable. Of course it's going to fail, but you can't blame them for trying. This has been a long time in the making. The unions and other interests that have been feasting off of Detroit's carcass, but continue in denial. Next, get ready for a national fast food worker strike. The unions are trying to unionize fast food workers. Good luck on that one. And finally, the foreclosure fraud lawsuit is coming back. Let's see what happens next. Will the truth out? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets