Mon, 3 December 2012 presents Laurence J. Kotlikoff is an economist and well published author. He's advised several administrations and he's the only one out there with a plan to save the United States. It covers everything from taxes, to investment, to spending and entitlements. Unfortunately no one is listening. They can't handle the truth and they don't believe that you want to either. However, the bill and the damage will be paid by our children and generations to come. The budget gap is actually $220 trillion and counting. And don't count on either party to solve the problem. They don't have the intellectual horse power or the courage. Which is why you've never needed FSN more than now. Check out Larry's work at A great guest and a brilliant intellect. Perhaps the heir to Milton Friedman. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Laurence_J._Kotlikoff__part_1_12-3-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EDT
Mon, 3 December 2012 presents Kathleen Rich-New worked for years in Silicon Valley. Her routine of 6am to 9pm eventually left her burned out, exhausted and depressed. And then when her company demanded she put in 110% that was it. She realized that once she handed in her resignation, she didn't know what else to do. She had no back-up plan, or Plan "B". She that she wasn't alone in that regard and thus a book and a business were born. Kathleen believes that no matter what business you're in, no matter how secure you think your job is, you still need to be thinking about options and alternatives. When life throws you a curve, Kathleen teaches you how to hit it out of the ballpark. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 3 December 2012 presents Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us for his Monday rant. We observed the deteriorating economic conditions, the job killing aspects of Obamacare and the piling up of Government Motors inventory in their dealers lots. And yet socialists cry for more government control and less individual initiative. The brain drain from industry to Wall Street over the past generation has led to a staggering loss to the real economy. This is an unintended consequence of easy money. Wall Street pays better and requires much less physical effort than the private sector. But now Wall Street's workforce is contracting, where does that leave the future workforce? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 3 December 2012 presents Peter Grandich was on with us, giving his last interview of 2012. We both agree that the year is for all intents and purposes over. The institutional traders have locked in their profit and therefore their bonuses and what happens from hereon in is really just noise and completely irrelevant. Don't be surprised to see Da Boyz get in one last smack down for good measure. This is what happens when markets stop serving their price discovery function and start serving primarily political purposes. And it could very well continue until after the inauguration. Appearances, after all, must be maintained at all costs. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 3 December 2012 presents Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan was on the fast track. She was an investment banker working for Citibank, stationed in London. She was well paid, but there was something obviously missing from her life. One day, at a luncheon conference, she experienced a food-wine pairing that would forever changer her life. From that moment on, she became obsessed with wine and devoted every waking moment to learning more about it. She became a Wine Master and went on to write two books and become a wine consultant. And she hasn't worked a day since leaving Citibank. Personal branding is the key to surviving and thriving in the New Economy. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets