Christa Huff, financial analyst and investing expert is speaking out loudly against the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). This agreement is initially between the US and 12 Asian Countries that border the Pacific. Christa says that it will diminish US sovereignty and subject Americans and corporations to International Courts. In addition, China and other countries can join this agreement without the approval of the Congress. All in all a very bad deal for US, whose industries have been greatly damaged by unfair trade. 

Direct download: Christa_Huff_23.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

Whatever happened to the doctor-patient relationship? Putting the patient's interests ahead of the doctor's or government or insurance company or hospital. Seems to have died an inglorious death. Today, March 23, 2016 is the 6th anniversary of the disaster/catastrophe known as Obamacare. Will it really be abolished by the republicans? Don't count on it. Trump and Cruz claim they will do it, but can they do it? But Dr. George says there's lots you can do to fight the system and protect your health and wealth. Start by joining Liberty HealthShare. You'll save thousands on your health insurance coverage. It's a healthcare cost sharing ministry, without the religious flare. Take a look!

Direct download: Dr._Elaina_George_23.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

Wipeout Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

ALL about today's blitzkrieg Cartel attacks - "miraculously," on the very day silver finally experienced its "golden cross" (50 DMA rising above 200 DMA), validating gold's bottom back in December.

This podcast will be a tutorial about what the Cartel (i.e., U.S. government) is attempting, and what the ramifications will be.

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_23.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST

Rick has been trying to figure out the current market. It's almost counter-intuitive. Things that would historically make the market tank seem to have the opposite effect now. Prosperity and wealth cannot generate prosperity. Funny money is not the answer. The real economy is still in the dumper as Rich put it. China has 10 years of adjustment before it's economy becomes more balanced, but it could take 20-30 years for the world economy to come back. 

Direct download: Rick_Ackerman_21.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50am EST






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