Bill is watching the games that the Saudis and Russia are playing with prices. Any affect they might have upon prices is not going to be long term. Oil stocks are overflowing and US oil production continues at or near record rates. Bill believes there will be a major oil price collapse within the next month. The unfortunate part is that where declining oil prices used to be a stimulant for the economy, it's now the opposite. Mass jobless in the oil patch and the elimination of high paying skilled jobs is bad news for producing states and their economies. And the consumer is hardly going on a spending orgy because they're paying less at the pump. 

Direct download: Bill_Tatro_08.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:57pm EST

During the mortgage meltdown, a small number of outlier hedge fund managers and other dubious financial types made a killing shorting the housing market. Michael Lewis immortalized their tale in his book and subsequent movie The Big Short. However, while the housing bubble was in its final stages, The Real Big Short was actually under way. Around the world, individuals and companies believing the end of the US Dollar was imminent, bet accordingly. They borrowed huge sums denoted in dollars, figuring that they could pay them back in drastically depreciated currency units in the future. Effectively, the entire world went short the Dollar and now the folly of their actions has become clear. No one could have foreseen the Dollar would dramatically appreciate, thus causing a massive short squeeze and costing trillions as a result.

Perhaps one day, Michael Lewis will write a book about it and document another small group of fund managers who saw it all coming and profited accordingly, if he can find them!


Direct download: Danielle_Park_08.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:28pm EST

James says that we are truly in uncharted waters. The Media, Republican Establishment and Hollywood have all united against the insurgent campaign of Donald Trump. Will it work? Does Rubio have a chance? How about Ted Cruz? And why has Mitt Romney stuck his nose into it? He was roundly rejected in 2012 and now he thinks he has a shot? James believes that it's a suicide run for the Republican Party if they actually deny Trump the nomination. There's much uncertainty and craziness in both parties this year. It's definitely one for the books. 

Direct download: James_Hirsen_07.Mar.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm EST






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