Tue, 26 May 2015
We caught up with our old friend Rick Ackerman today. He called the turn in the stock market on the dime, but couldn't get in to make the trade. Sometimes the market stays ahead of even the most seasoned trader. He's sticking to his theasus that Treasuries are the trade of the century and is putting his money where his mouth is. So far, so good. Precious metals are still in a bear market and the immediate future's not looking good, but for how long? All bear markets eventually become bull markets, it's just a matter of when.
Tue, 26 May 2015
Noted NY business attorney John Snyder joins the show explaining how people get taken. It's very important to never suspend disbelief. When someone is asking you to write a check, no matter the size, you need to be on your guard. Ask questions, no matter how stupid they may seem and if you don't like the answers, don't write the check! Also, if you're unsure, never hesitate to seek counsel.
Tue, 26 May 2015
John's new does a head to head comparison of the two flat tax bills peding in Congress and the Fair Tax why the Fair Tax is so superior and really protects the citizen's rights and really does abolish the IRS, which is what all Americans other than the politicians really want.