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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Aug 31, 2021

In the mining industry, it takes a solid vision and drive to revisit and revive an abandoned project. Stephen Stewart, CEO of QC Copper and Gold joined us to discuss the latest developments at the company’s Opemiska Copper Mine Complex, and why the project is on the fast track to success. Production ended back in...

Aug 31, 2021


To grasp the the current circumstances in China, we have Daniel Joseph on the podcast today—an individual that has previously lived in China for quite some time—to update us on the socioeconomic situation. As a nation, China seems to be deviating from some of the tactics that made them so successful...

Aug 30, 2021

Investors alike are asking: where are the markets heading, and what is the Fed going to do? Today, we have Jim Welsh on the podcast to give us some insights about what is happening and what is to come in the ever-changing market. He provides useful insight on what is going on in regard to the treasury, thoughts...

Aug 27, 2021

Where is money flowing from, and where is it going? Today, Jerry Robinson and I get on the podcast to address this question in regard to foreign affairs, cryptocurrency, and the precious metals. Robinson and I discuss some of our most universal pointers for building wealth, which at its core is achieved by...

Aug 27, 2021

Today we have the creator and owner of Practical Wealth Advisors, Curtis May, on the podcast to discuss how you can build your wealth without the assistance of Wall Street. As a close friend of the Financial Survival Network, May also promotes the idea that Wall Street’s goals do not align with the financial...