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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

May 30, 2019

Craig Hemke believes that the Fed will be forced to cut rates at the next meeting on June 18-19. The yield curve has become inverted which is almost always a precursor to recession. Is the economy actually weakening? It only takes two consecutive quarters of negative growth to make a recession. The Fed has run out...

May 30, 2019

The country has a real problem that's only getting worse. It's often referred to a Trump Derangement Syndrome. But it's gotten much worse. It's now officially Trump-Mueller Derangement Syndrome. And while it's not quite as bad as many other personality disorders, it's still very serious. These people are...

May 30, 2019

It's no secret that silver has been in the dumps for 8 years now. But David Morgan and myself are undeterred. The fiscal irresponsibility, profligate spending, dire world economics and so much more, leads one to the conclusion that an insurance policy is necessary. And precious metals always have been exactly that....

May 29, 2019

There's a new sheriff in town and as a result Trilogy Metals is on the move. VP Patrick Donnelly tells us that as a result of streamlined Federal environmental/land use regulations, Trilogy is moving quickly ahead with its Arctic and Bornite Projects (located in the Ambler District situated in Alaska's wilderness)....

May 29, 2019

Lies, lies and more lies. You're constantly being lied and there seems to be little appetite for the truth. More and more money gets printed up, the debt goes ever higher and yet nothing seems to happen. Chris believes that the US is immersed in a propaganda bubble, but outside the country he thinks they're a bit more...