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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

May 31, 2017

The Fed is clearly in a box. Will they raise rates in June and start reducing their balance sheet? Don't know yet, but none of it is good news for the stock market. Gold looks poised to move, is it's time to shine coming up shortly? And then there's the ag commodities. Ned says they're in a bull market, led by...

May 31, 2017

Tarl Warwick's YouTube Channel (styxhexenhammer666) has the mainstream fake news media running scared. With over 130,000 subscribers and millions of views, he's become the go to place for searing, pointed and unbiased commentary. He tells it like it is in a very engaging, down to earth manner. There's no sugar coating...

May 31, 2017

The retirement crisis doesn't have to be a crisis. Just follow Captain Capitalism's advice and you'll never run out of money. First, never fully retire! Keep your income streams flowing. Even if you only work 2-3 days per week, your life will be much better as a result. Retirement is always a dead end. Next, start...

May 31, 2017

What's happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

The end of TRUST, and the rise of REAL MONEY;

Rapidly deteriorating U.S. economy, and political situation;

Why gold is the "ultimate buy and hold";

Upcoming, potentially major catalysts in Spain, Greece, and Italy;

Etc, etc.

May 30, 2017

It appears that one of FSN's biggest fans, at least where Wayne Allyn Root is concerned is the left wing organization RightWinWatch.Org. Wayne says their mission in life is to constantly monitor conservative interviews and quote them out of context. Who has the time for such a questionable activity? You guessed,...