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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Jan 31, 2018

There are times in life that are extremely difficult and one often doesn't know where to turn for help. Dr. John Huber is writing a book to help those people out. It's easy to lose site of what's happening and you wind up forgetting that there's an industry of people dedicating to helping you get your life back...

Jan 31, 2018

Wayne Allyn Root joined us for an interesting discussion of the President's first State of the Union Address. He believes that the Dems have totally lost it. What they have is Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids. They are no longer able to look objectively at anything. The country is doing better and yet they're...

Jan 31, 2018

David Erfle is following his dream by publishing He didn't start out being a mining stock analyst, rather it was something he fell into. Last year he was up 145%. He believes that this year is going to be even better. The metals markets are looking up and so are interest rates and business lending....

Jan 31, 2018

Barring a Black Swan event Angela Sloan wouldn't be surprised if the Dow doesn't hit 30,000 this year. She doesn't believe that the tax plan is "baked in" yet and a lot of investors with money on the sidelines are starting to jump in. Americans overall are very optimistic and and that the emotion will keep the market...

Jan 30, 2018

We come to a point in every boom where you know it's time to exit the merry-go-round. That's when people start saying this time is different. Looks like we're getting there now. Euphoria seems to be breaking out all over the place. But it can't and won't last. This time is going to be much much worse!