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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Sep 27, 2018

In finance as in life, things change and what you thought you knew that was true in the past, is no longer. For years gold moved in tandem with Japanese Yen. But a few months ago things changed. It's now moving in near lockstep with the Chinese Yuan. While the reasons are not fully known or understood, the result is...

Sep 27, 2018

One of the things most likely to bring down a country or a civilization is corruption. As Gerard notes, we see this over and over throughout history. It's undeniable that the US has become a state run by kleptocrats and dedicated to enriching their chosen beneficiaries. But Trump has dedicated his term to uprooting...

Sep 26, 2018

Making money in the market comes down to buying securities at the right time and selling them after they've gone up and before they've gone down. While this seems self-evident, why is it so hard to do? Well emotions play a large part in it. The consistent winners in this space are those who have a proven strategy...

Sep 26, 2018

Any storm – a hurricane, a typhoon, a tornado, a cyclone – is difficult to describe when it envelops you. Many things happen at once, each extreme in its effects. Months ago, President Donald Trump suggested we were seeing "the calm before the storm." The Storm has now penetrated the mists of the DC Swamp, so...

Sep 25, 2018

It's a trend that started back in 2016 and it's been picking up steam ever since. This year alone over 5 million people will give up their cable tv in favor of other programming providers. It could be Netflix or Hulu or one of a host of others popping up around the world. One must wonder how the cable companies will...