Sep 4, 2017
The final tally from Hurricane Harvey has yet to be counted, but the state's governor is throwing around numbers of around $180 billion. Houston is vital to the US economy and Congress loves to throw money around, so figure that they'll get it. And there's no other way than for the Feds to get involved. Private will be vital, but nobody writes checks like Uncle Same.
Gold is trading around $1325 the ounce and Silver is getting close to the $18 mark. Sure there's a lot of fear and loathing with North Korea, but there's a hidden cycle at work. Eric Hadek has been forecasting this price movement since 2015, and here we are.
Andy Hoffman will be back on the show September 12th or 13th. Keep a look out for him. He's got a lot to say.
And as always there's lots more.