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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Jan 28, 2021

We’re at the top, it’s like the 1990’s. These are warning signs. Game Stop has a short squeeze. A company headed for the dustbin and it’s gone from $40 to $380. The short squeeze is on. Very reminscent of the oil squeeze last year in oil. The ultimate chase. This is what happens when the Fed loses control. They can’t see any inflation so they just keep printing. Todd is moving to Nevada from Illinois. Covid and Congress will see to bailing out the worst states. Game Stop housing. At some point hard decisions will have to be made. If Biden stays moderate we’ll survive. If he goes left we collapse and Bitcoin really takes off. Asset classes can no longer price themselves, another step towards socialism. The market is Robinhood on steroids. It always ends the same way. Watch what happens when the bubble pops. 2008 redux. We’re in a bubble right, waiting for it to pop.