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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Jan 20, 2020

We had the honor of connecting with Dr. Steve Turley, a noted professor of Theology and Rhetoric and a YouTube sensation. Steve is incredibly optimistic about the emerging populist-nationalist movement that has been sweeping the world. He's incredibly well-read and has a historical insight that few possess. He traces our current cultural malaise to the Modernistic Movement which led many to believe that man is primarily an intellectual/rational creature, with no need for God or the spiritual world, only science. This has led to cultural Marxism with its nihilistic underpinning. Thus, we have experienced the decline of the family, religion and most societal institutions.

However according to Steve, that movement has run its course. People are rejecting the hopeless it fostered, in favor of a return to a more traditional populist society that believes in nations, communities and the ability of man to grow into an happy enlightened individual. Witness the election of Donald Trump, Brexit, Boris Johnson and too many other instances to list here. While the transition back is chaotic, in the end, there is no other way forward.