Aug 26, 2019
It's back to school, which means it's time for children across
American to crack open their 40-year-old textbook by Marxist Howard
Zinn which informs the rhetoric of democratic socialists. Zinn's A
People's History of the United States has been indoctrinating
children all over the United States for years and what do we have
to show for it? Socialist lawmakers like AOC.
Scholar and resident fellow at the Alexander Hamilton Institute for
the Study of Western Civilization, Mary Grabar, exposes the
leftist, anti-American agenda in Zinn’s textbook and reveals the
truth about this dangerous ideology in her upcoming book, Debunking
Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation
against America (launching August 20, 2019).
The left is calling everyone who doesn’t agree with them a racist,
—“This country was founded on white supremacy”—BETO O’ROURKE at a
Nashville campaign event, July 2019
—“We are living in visible fascism ascendant. (I say visible,
because those paying attention watched it survive and thrive under
the protection of the state for decades (see Howard Zinn, A
People’s History of the United States.)”—ARMED ATTACKER who tried
to bomb an ICE detention center, July 2019
—“White America needs to face the roots of inequities and the fact
of systemic racism all around us. It’s the air we breathe.”—PETE
BUTTIGIEGE in an NPR interview, July 2019
These claims are destroying American politics and they all have a
common source—A People’s History of the United States—a Marxist
textbook IN AMERICAN CLASSROOMS written by Howard Zinn.