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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Aug 29, 2014

When it comes to the Libertarian Movement, Lew Rockwell has been there from the beginning and has seen it all. He was Ludwig von Mises' editor; a colleague and friend of Hayek, Rothbard: and worked on the Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul campaigns. He helped found the Mises Institute and describes himself as...

Aug 29, 2014

Ayn Rand's Steve Simpson was on discussing the fake dispute over corporate inversions and whether they're unpatriotic. Recently the President struck out at companies who merge with overseas businesses and move their headquarters to lower their tax burden. For some reason they've have been branded unAmerican. Steve sees...

Aug 28, 2014

Gold has been going up the past few days, why? This is usually the time where the elites like to slam it down, right before a major holiday when the trading is extremely light. Makes one wonder, has the trend finally changed? We talk about Martin Armstrong and his piece on Civil Unrest and Ferguson. Also, the...

Aug 28, 2014

Bruce Anderson is a computer security professional who says you need to be worried about all your ex's. Ex-wives, ex-partners and ex-friends, who may go after your computers, tablets and phones, emptying your bank accounts and taking everything you treasure in the process. Bruce says that very few people take the steps...

Aug 27, 2014

Personal finance expert, author and advisor Heather Wagenhals says that the way our brains are wired makes us all susceptible to scams like the IRS refund fraud. You get that unexpected call from the Government and they really do want to help you; all you have to do is give them your bank account and routing number and...