Jan 31, 2022
Inflation is here to stay whether you have real estate or are
holding various resources. Peter Badger comes on the show to talk
about how we can use real estate to protect against inflation,
specifically by investing in farm land. Tune in to hear about this
real estate niche and some of its...
Jan 31, 2022
Dee Carter comes on the show to talk about what you can do to plan
for inflation as it continues to be a pressing issue within our
personal finances. In the face of rising product costs, bills, and
a number of other things, it’s important to save for the future
with inflation in mind—especially when...
Jan 28, 2022
Whether you’re driving a car, calling a big company, or working
with your financial advisor, AI is involved in many of our day to
day activities. I sit down with Matt Reiner to talk about Benjamin,
an AI development that helps financial advisor firms elevate their
experience by utilizing automated processes...
Jan 28, 2022
We are currently waiting to hear what Jerome Powell has in store
for the global economy—especially Wall Street. I sit down and chat
with Dutch Masters to discuss the latest updates on the markets;
for 2022, it’s looking precarious as rates are anticipated to rise.
We talk about Carnivore Trading and some of...
Jan 27, 2022
Are we approaching a crisis? Is it Fed induced or cyclical?
Furthermore, can it be stopped? I have Rick Rule on the show to
discuss the current economic situation, and it looks as if we are
approaching a circumstance that will be difficult to comprehend and
adjust to. We are facing various shortages around the...