Oct 30, 2014
Bill Holter of Miles Franklin was fortunate to be at the New Orleans Money Show where he got to hear the Maestro former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan speak. Of course the economic crisis that we find ourselves in now wasn't his fault at all. Blame Congress, Fannie and Freddie, but not Alan. He also repored on a debate...
Oct 29, 2014
Ross Hansen heads up the largest privately owned mint in North America. Last year business was down, but he's unconcerned and undeterred. While most of the populace buys into the meme that prosperity is just around the corner, Ross looks at hard data like the labor participation rate and sees another story, a country in...
Oct 29, 2014
It's been 9 years since Florida had a hurricane; it's been almost 7 years since the financial collapse. Does that mean that neither will happen again? Have weather patterns miraculously changed? Has the government become more responsible and has the Fed stopped printing money? You know the answers to those questions...
Oct 29, 2014
After Carter Andress's stint in the military he was ready for the private sector. He was used to hazardous conditions and that made him ideally suited for construction projects in Iraq. When Bechtel gave up on a project after losing 51 workers, Carter's company got the job done. His company is still doing work in...
Oct 29, 2014
Steve Lord is editor-in-chief of the Modern Money Letter.
bitcoin is now trading below $350, how much lower can it go?
- How much longer until bitcoin is adoped by Wall Street and main street?
-Since last we spoke Paypal started accepting bitcoin as did Apple. Is this the beginning of a wave?