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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Feb 28, 2013 presents

Chris Duane the SilverShield stopped by FSN today to talk about my new book and how it can help you. Please go to Amazon and write a review if you like it. We also discussed the story of one of Chris's group who started buying half dollars from the bank and amassed a 2000 ounce...

Feb 28, 2013 presents

G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island joined us to discuss the coming crash and where stand in relation to Rome and other fallen empires. Tulip mania has spread across the world. While the Dutch had less developed markets and didn't know from derivatives,...

Feb 28, 2013 presents

Charles Hugh Smith of stopped by for a chat today. We discussed his newest book, Why Things Are Falling Apart and What We Can Do About It. The answer quite simply is self-reliance and not looking to the government to take care of us. We all know that the safety...

Feb 28, 2013 presents

Wayne Allyn Root is a well known libertarian who has put together a comprehensive guide to surviving the next four years of Obama. In researching the book, he consulted 18 wealthy individuals for their strategy and guidance to avoiding the inevitable collapse that socialistic...

Feb 28, 2013 presents

First Germany, then Switzerland and now Mexico. They no longer trust the Fed or the Bank of England with their gold reserves. And for good reason. There's zero transparency and there are probably many conflicting claims to the gold that is currently on deposit with these banks....