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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Aug 30, 2017

Nationalism is a buzzword pulled straight from today’s headlines. But did you know that a large part of the Reformation was driven by nationalism? Find out how in The Reformation 500 Years Later: 12 Things You Need To Know (releases August 28th.)

500 years after Martin Luther allegedly nailed his 95 Theses on...

Aug 30, 2017

Bob Hoye joined us to talk about markets. He believes there's a contraction coming. The current bull markets in stocks and unfortunately the pro-business Trump admin won't be enough to rescue markets, both stock and credit. We're on the path that leads to a contraction. While there's no guarantee that markets...

Aug 30, 2017

Things in Houston are far worse than the media is letting on. The damage has been devastating and has effected millions of people. Most of them are un/under-insured. Get ready for helicopter money. But have we finally encountered a situation that we may be unable to print our way of. And let's see how those dams hold...

Aug 29, 2017

David Morgan's been following precious metals markets for 40 years. During this time he's seen a lot. He thinks that the current rally which broke through $1300 without breaking a sweat will soon be over. The silver to gold ratio is not narrowing and that's a negative sign. There's a lot more problems out there than...

Aug 29, 2017

Antifa and Black Lives Matter are out of control. The police have been told to stand down in the face of repeated attacks by these groups. We discuss with George Matheis, our all around self-defense expert, how to avoid triggering these thugs. It might be a good idea to put your MAGA hat away and avoid putting...