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Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Dec 1, 2020

Inflation seems to be spreading. Houses are setting records (If CPI Measured Actual House Prices, Inflation Would Be 3% Right Now)

And copper is crushing it: 


How many things have to be soaring before we're in an inflationary environment? 

Still no action on stimulus and all kinds of benefits running out before year-end. 

Economy is starting to slow as people have to dig into savings to buy basics.

Gold still falling. Where's support? Does seasonality matter this year?

Biden's administration is looking like classic business as usual. All Clinton/Obama retreads. 

In other words, the Dems learned exactly nothing from half the country voting for a populist. The mid-terms might be brutal. 

Almost all Republicans believe the Dems stole the election. 

A bar owner in NYC won't close and they took away his liquor license so he declared an "autonomous zone" like in Seattle and stayed open.