May 29, 2020
It keeps getting better. Japan announces a $1.1 trillion bailout plan, which equals 40 percent of their GDP. The EU just announced an $826 billion liquidity plan. Lufthansa gets $10 billion bailout offer but doesn’t like the strings that came with it. Economies around the world are starting to reopen. Korea is having issues. In the US and elsewhere things are going pretty well. No vaccine or cure coming soon, but not being able to reopen assures an endless depression. However, the debt continues to increase geometrically. Stagflation seems to be the most likely result, but we could encounter a hyperinflationary bubble. You can create the illusion of health and normality by increasing debt, but is the latest debt enough to do it? The next year is going to be really interesting. If we don’t go back into lockdown, we’ll see how everyone handles the increased debt burden. Corporations have been on a borrowing binge this last month. They maxxed out their credit lines and issued new bonds to cover the difference.