Markets continue to fluctuate up and down, and in this episode I discuss these fluctuations with Gil Baumgarten. Baumgarten reassures us in saying that It is not good for money to only head in one direction—it’s vital for markets to take one step back so that true base value can be found and the market stays in sync.

-Markets are in flux—they tend to fluctuate up and down
-Are we having the much awaited correction? Will it become a crash?
-It’s not good for money to only head in one direction—it needs to shake from time to time so that true base value can be found. It’s like trimming the hedges in your yard; they come back healthier
-Every boom ends with a bust, but the marketplace typically takes four steps forward and one step back. The one step back keeps the market in sync
-There are a lot of negative trends occurring
-Biden inherited a booming market with full employment due to full taxation
-Should investors get rid of all their tech and move to energy?
-High energy prices are inevitable
-A lot of people are thinking that we are at the end of fossil fuel transportation
-Electric consumes fossil fuels too—just out of sight
-Perhaps we have an electric future, but it will not happen overnight
-Policies are hostile to US energy and consumption—which puts people at a disadvantage
-Deck-clearing events produce the opposite outcome in their wake

Useful Links:
Segment Wealth Management
Gil Baumgarten

Direct download: Gil_Baumgarten_28.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Do you ever wonder how Fortune 500 companies make billions of dollars but seem to not pay as much in taxes? I sit down and chat with Steve Moskowitz to discuss some of the ways that you can eliminate paying as much in taxes on your investments. Tax playing can especially be utilized in retirement accounts, and there are multiple benefits that come with them. Tune in to get tips from Steve himself and to start saving on your taxes.

-A lot of people wonder how companies make billions of dollars and don’t pay taxes—this has to do with tax playing
-If you’re a business or investor, you need to look at retirement accounts

Three benefits to retirement accounts:
1. You will get a big tax deduction
2. When investments earn money, they aren’t taxed the same as they would be in normal investment accounts
3. Special treatment within federal law

-If you go bankrupt, you keep 100% of your retirement account
-One lawsuit can wipe you out, but not if you’re an entity
-Some states allow you to set up multiple entities, but only pay one fee
-Set up a retirement account for the company managing your investments
-ERC - government stimulus program for employers (grant)

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Moskowitz LLP

Direct download: Steve_Moskowitz_28.Sep21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

I sat down with Fury Gold Mines' Chair Ivan Bebek and new President/CEO Tim Clark for a sponsor update. Bebek heartily agrees with Rick Rule's prediction that 2022 will definitely be the year of the explorer. If they're right, then it could also be the year to be a Fury investor.

Clark explains that he was extremely fortunate to join and lead Fury's exemplary team; all it needed was a refocus on drilling. He has 23+ years of experience working on the finance side of the sector. Since joining, he has cut costs significantly to ensure that drilling dollars go even further. The team is driven to make a major discovery and thereby unlock Fury's value. 

A recent CAD $5 million private placement leaves the company in an excellent position to build upon already impressive drill results. Clark's extensive contacts with large institutional investors will help keep the money spigot open and flowing.  

Assay lab delays are still prevalent across the industry, and the company has a huge quantity of samples waiting to be evaluated. Eventually the backlog will ease and then the market will understand the success of the drill program. 

Bebek believes that the recently announced Angico Eagle-Kirkland merger is a sea change for the juniors. He points out that other large mergers in the past have set off similar cycles. This could be the spark that ignites a major round of merger and acquisition activity--and that could be very good news for Fury's shareholders.  (We own shares)

Compay Website:

Ticker Symbols: NYSE/American - TSX: FURY

Direct download: 039_Fury_Gold_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm EST

Tech expert and noted public speaker Rebecca Costa joined us. In case you were wondering, privacy is completely dead and now non-existent. But the tech revolution is just getting started. Yes fully autonomous vehicles are on their way. NFT’s, non-fungible tokens are here to stay. The tech oligarchs run the show and there’s no stopping them now. Rebecca projects the current trends out for a decade or more and gives you the latest update on where we’re heading. A compelling discussion for sure. 

Direct download: Rebecca_Costa_27.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Should we be apprehensive about tax changes? Wayne Titus, a member of Savant Wealth Management, comes on the podcast to break down some of the shifts in taxes and what to expect. The tax reform act was passed back in 2017, and brought on many changes in tax brackets. If Congress doesn’t make any decisions, these brackets revert back to what they were in 2017. This is a long process which may not conclude this year—which can also make giving financial advice more complicated.

-Wayne recently joined Savant Wealth
-Should we be worried about tax changes? The tax reform act was passed back in 2017 and brought on a number of change in tax brackets. If nothing is done by Congress, those brackets revert back to what they were in 2017
-Most changes are not going to impact taxpayers (unless you earn $400k+). Thus, these changes affect businesses more.
-Our tax rate structure is progressive; the number sounds large, but the blended rate of tax makes it more rational
-Many other states besides California and New York are affected by some of these tax changes
-This is a long, drawn out process that may not conclude this year. A lack of solidified dates for changes makes it hard to make decisions in the financial sector
-Our legislative process is iterative

Useful Links:
Financial Advisor Network
Savant Wealth Management
Wayne B. Titus III

Direct download: Wayne_Titus_26.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

High returns on investments are being seen with mobile home parks, and today Charlotte Dunford comes on the show to talk about this sector of real estate. Her area of focus is Johns Creek, and their niche is small to medium mobile home parks—which are often overlooked but do extremely well. This is a great area to invest in due to the fact that there is always going to be a need for affordable housing, and the demand is ever-growing.

-How do you get a higher return on your investment? This can come from investing in mobile home parks
-John's Creek Capital is an area of focus
-They are actively sourcing deals and investing in this market
-Their niche is small to medium mobile home parks, which they get at incredible cap rates—this niche is often overlooked
-Focused on the midwest and southeast
-There is a lot of room to grow
-Once the mom and pop mobile home parks are consolidated, there is not much money left
-There is always going to be a need for affordable housing
-The supply of mobile home parks is fixed, which means the demand is ever-growing
-They grew through the pandemic—there has been a halt on evictions
-Government agencies have been issuing a lot of rental assistance to tenants
-The mobile home park industry is somewhat protected
-They don’t own the homes; they own the parking lot
-The screening process for tenants is very rigorous
-The mobile home part tenant is like a stakeholder in your business

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
John's Creek Capital

Direct download: Charlotte_Dunford_23.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

What should we make of what the Fed has said recently about tapering? There have been some ambiguous recent announcements and headlines, and ___ comes on the podcast to shed some light on this. They talked about possibly raising interest rates at the end of next year, and raises concerns in relation to gold. No decisions have been made yet, but tune in to hear some valuable insight and predictions.

-How can we interpret what the Fed has recently said about tapering?
-They talked about possibly raising interest rates at the end of next year
-The test for raising rates is much higher the test for tapering
-They may decide to change the tapering
-People are afraid of rates raising, which would affect gold negatively
-The transitory should be unwinding, but the pandemic has affected decisions
-Markets are going up as the economy worsens
-Sometimes, rising interest rates go hand in hand with rising gold prices
-High inflation is a sign of economic growth, but our current situation seems to exhibit otherwise
-The models economists use are not entirely connected to today’s reality
-Rapidly escalating energy prices put a damper on the world
-There could be a boom in oil prices
-Uranium keeps going up

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Lobo_Tiggre_22.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Are you curious about low risk avenues for investing within real estate? Today, I have Andrew Abernathy on the podcast to talk about storage units and warehouses, which have become a major sector of real estate. His company, Abernathy Holdings, focuses on development and vertical integration to maximize success and ensure that these investments make money back over time. Tune in to hear about this intriguing area of the industry and to hear about some of Abernathy’s methods.

-Storage units and warehouses are pretty low risk for investing, and they’ve developed over the years
-The business has become very complex and sophisticated
-Development and vertical integration are essential to making money in this sector
-It’s all about location—even if it means spending $10k-$20k extra
-Owning your own equipment dealership, garage dealership, and construction company results in lower costs throughout the process
-They make money by developing; for the next ten years, they will be building, stabilizing, and selling
-Their long term goal is to open one new facility a month
-From approval to completion, the industry average is three years from start to stabilization—Abernathy’s company has been able to cut that into a couple years
-Security is the no.1 focal point for clients—24/7 surveillance/watch
-Abernathy is targeting the major cities (83% of the population)
-The average person in the US rents six square feet per person
-Taxes - $120k-$150k a year

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Andrew Abernathy
Abernathy Holdings

Direct download: Andrew_Abernathey_22.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

The economy is in a major decline, and today we have Darryl Schoon on the podcast to talk about some of the root causes of this phenomenon. Schoon walks us through different times in history that shed light on some of the underlying issues of inflation, and how this translates in the modern era. The inflationary bubble that we are in at the moment will eventually lead to a deflationary bust, and it is only a matter of time before we see some of the effects of this.

-The economy is crumbling—Evergrande is reminiscent of the 30s
-The economic tides and sands are shifting, and it’s going to take a lot to save it
-People know something is wrong, but they feel like it is beyond their capacity to do anything
-You don’t need to understand money, credit, or debt to be in harm’s way—you’ll be in it anyways
-There was historically a lot of silver circulating on the open market in the west, which was traded with China for porcelain, silver, and tea
-People called paper money ‘flying money’ because of how fast it came and went
-There is always an arbitrage somewhere
-When you’re so right for so long, it’s hard to tell when you’re wrong
-Gold used to be a religion for China—paper money leveraged debt and real estate
-Inflationary bubble will lead to a deflationary bust

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Moving Through the Maelstrom With Darryl Robert Schoon

Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_21.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

It’s hard to know what exactly is happening in Florida real estate without talking to someone in the field. Today we have the founder of RealTrade, Ryan Poole, on the podcast to give us some insider knowledge on what is happening, and why real estate is booming so much—especially in South Florida as a result of the pandemic. Poole also tells us a bit about RealTrade, which is a platform that allows for communication between realtors, buyers, and sellers that enhances the realty experience.

-What’s happening with Florida real estate?
-Every county essentially has a different market
-2012: Florida was about to overtake New York as the third most populated state
-Things have heated up in the market over the last eight or nine months
-Especially since the pandemic, there has been a huge boom in real estate—clients are coming from all over
-Things staying open in Florida during the pandemic was a major attraction for buyers
-Florida has always been relatively cheaper
-There is not enough real estate to go around with the high volume of buyers—this also has caused prices to rise
-Prices in South Florida are still pretty attractive in comparison to the rest of the country
-South Florida is also becoming a financial epicenter, with the tech industry growing as well
-Florida is just one of the states people are running to—and one of the biggest
-Zillow doesn’t necessarily offer the most accurate information—a lot of baiting happens
-Agents work hard to get listings; Zillow gets this data and populates their platform with it
-Zillow owns 75% of the marketshare in terms of online presence
-Relators essentially end up working for Zillow
-RealTrade allows the realtors to own and manage the marketplace
-Agents network with one another to facilitate business, and buyers and sellers can also ask questions and contact realtors
-Waterfront properties in very high demand as well as golf course communities—we probably could see more rises in prices here

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Ryan_Poole_20.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Today, I have John Rubino on the podcast to update us on all things economy: from real estate to the supply chain, we are seeing a lot of shifts and instabilities that have incurred over time. Evergrande seems to be bleeding over into the rest of China’s immense real estate sector—tampering with the industry as a whole. We also probe into the buying and selling of crypto, and determine that people are less optimistic about it which means we will most likely see an increased interest in gold.

-Evergrande is a large Chinese real estate developer. It has been borrowing large amounts of money for the last decade, and it has taken up large amounts of leverage
-Even higher prices, however, are not saving them—they’re giving cheap real estate to their creditors
-This is bleeding over into the rest of China’s immense real estate sector
-The fed is making noises about tapering—we start to see taper tantrums in this circumstance
-Gold is holding its own—it’s actually up a bit
-The supply chain is still in shambles
-We live beyond our means
-Cryptos are getting whacked—they are treated like tech stocks and are risk-on assets that you buy when you’re feeling optimistic
-Bitcoin is being sold off
-This is when gold takes off; the fed starts talking about tapering, which means that easy money will come to an end
-Lumber and iron ore have tanked lately, which means that the picture is getting mixed
-The global economy is slowing down

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dollar Collapse

Direct download: John_Rubino_20.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We currently see the precious metals getting slammed down in comparison to other commodities, which is an upsetting phenomenon for many investors. Today, we have Brian Leni on the show to talk about this and to re-emphasize the inherent value in the metals despite shifts in prices. Gold remains a critical asset when it comes to maintaining your wealth, and this becomes even more crucial as currencies err on the side of instability. Tune in to hear from myself and Leni about how to have confidence in your investments in a changing market, and to learn more about why these fluctuations are occurring.

-Precious metals have been mercilessly slammed down—the last time gold got slammed down like this was back in June
-To the amateur investor, this is an upsetting phenomenon. From a professional standpoint, this is also somewhat surprising given the current circumstances in the world
-Gold is the most important asset for one that wants to maintain their wealth
-Those that own it are glad they own it
-Debt keeps going up; government and currencies are becoming more unstable
-There has been lots of commodity price inflation with the exception of precious metals
-You buy gold and silver for insurance—to maintain your wealth
-You buy junior resource stocks because they are speculations of people and their ability to execute on action plans
-High gold/silver prices mean that financially and socially there are some bad things going on in the world
-Assay labs are taking longer than normal—sometimes having to travel lots of other places
-Everybody is drilling across the world, and assay labs may be restricted
-It’s hard when the market is imploding and people are impatient—but this presents opportunity
-Patience has to be part of your repertoire
-If you’re early to an investment, it’s going to be a while until its value is recognized, but this is where the big gains are
-If you’ve done research, you need to have confidence in your investment and see yourself through

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Junior Stock Review

Direct download: Brian_Leni_17.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We spoke with Gold Terra’s President/CEO David Suda for a sponsor update. The latest drill results were impressive with intersects of 11.2 g/t gold over 4.57 meters and 5.22 g/t over 17.86 meters in a “very strongly altered … portion of the Campbell Shear.” This marks the third drill result since April of this year, all showing high-grade gold. Suda is convinced that he’s onto something big. The adjacent Con mine produced 5 million ounces over its lifetime and he believes that they could easily be sitting on a similar scale deposit.

The most recent drill results were from a property optioned to the company by Newmont. Suda is of the opinion that they're closely following Gold Terra’s progress. This could bode well for the future.

While the market has generally met this news with indifference, Suda is optimistic that external factors will force the market to again focus on the sector. Gold Terra is trading at a substantial discount to its peers and there is hope that in the coming months, with more drill results on the way, that this gap will narrow dramatically.

Ticker Symbols - OTC: YGTFF -- TSX-V: YGT

Direct download: 038_Gold_Terra_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am EST

Today we have Rob Kirby on the podcast, who talks about how one of the largest and most underreported issues is the volume of trade we’re experiencing in terms of dollar return in the crypto-verse. It seems that cryptos are eating off the dollar’s plate, which means that the crypto portion in international trade is rising…while the relevance of the dollar declines. Tune in to learn about the power of crypto and some of the key distinctions between Bitcoin and Ethereum that put banks and the law profession in an interesting position.

-The economic house of cards is crumbling all over
-The biggest and most underreported issue is the volume of trade we’re experiencing in terms of dollar return in the crypto-verse
-On a daily basis, the crypto-verse is turning over a minimum of $100 billion equivalent on average
-We're looking at $50 trillion dollar equivalent turnover in a year
-Cryptos are eating off the dollar’s plate, which means that cryptos are categorically being used in trade settlement right now
-Countries like Iran and Venezuela had to have it to where they could continue to trade without having to settle in dollars
-The crypto portion in international trade settlement is only going to increase from here, which means dollar relevance will decline
-Hyper-inflation and massive reduction in purchasing power of the dollar stock
-The whole nature of trade settlement is changing—less and less dollars are being used to settle international accounts. Thus, they get caught up in a Repo facility
-The inflation rate in our country is at 14%
-Ethereum is rising, and will perhaps eventually eclipse Bitcoin
-Bitcoin is the killer of banks; it’s a store of value
-Ethereum is the killer of the law practice
-Bitcoin is a challenge to bankers while Ethereum is a challenge to the law profession
-There is a place in the world for smart contracts as well as the traditional store of value—they can coexist

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Kirby Analytics

Direct download: Rob_Kirby_16.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Should we ‘Eat The Rich?’ It seems that this is not necessarily a viable solution, and today we have Jeffrey Socha on the podcast to break down the new tax proposal for us. While it may seem logical to impose higher taxes on large businesses, same corporations have tactics they will use as a result—tactics that will only hurt consumers and the rest of the economy. Tune in to hear about this interesting phenomenon in light of recent announcements, and to find out where this may put you in terms of taxes.

-With the democrats’ new tax proposal, the effective tax rate in NYC will be close to 62%, and in California it will be around 59%
-Businesses find ways to alter their business/cut costs/raise prices to avoid the effects of taxing
-People will not give you extra money without making decisions that affect everyone else
-Many of the tax shelters are available to average business owners
-Big companies have the best resources available to help them be efficient as possible
-The people that lose the most are smaller, local businesses
-The government should start with having a balanced budget
-There’s no incentive for fiscal responsibility with this modern monetary theory
-You can’t control taxes, but you can control who you vote for
-Take control of your own finances; be proactive
-This new proposal is very realistic, and we don’t know what will end up sticking until it is finalized

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Jeff_Socha_15.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Real estate has been doing great where taxes are lower, and it seems that the stage of buying-panic has come to a close as purchasers stop over-paying quite as much for homes. Today we have Andrew Ragusa on the podcast to discuss what exactly is happening with the market, and what you can expect in the purchasing sector. He emphasizes that if people want to grab something, they should grab it, because the market is always climbing. Tune in for direct insights and interesting real estate considerations.

-Real estate has been at the right spot on the economy—where taxes are lower, real estate is doing better
-What’s happening with New York suburban real estate on Long Island? There has been a dip in offer prices—previously, they were getting $50k-$70k above asking price but this has declined a lot
-Buyers are not willing to over-pay quite as much; the panic is over
-If people want to grab something, they should grab it—mortgage payments are greatly impacted by the offer amount
-It doesn’t always make sense to stay on the sidelines when the market is always climbing
-We are seeing more price cuts in the market. In order for a house to move, the price still needs to look attractive
-There has been a lot of overshooting the market
-Even thought everything is selling, prices are getting cut
-Information on selling prices is widely available today through the internet
-Zillow charges realtors to receive information from those using the website; Zillow essentially sells data
-There’s not a lot of inventory at the moment in Florida

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Andrew Ragusa Instagram
Real Estate Market Innovations

Direct download: Andrew_Ragusa_14.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

What’s happening in the markets, and should we be scared? It’s important to have an analytical perspective when it comes to analyzing the market, and Michael Moor comes on the show today to help us attain this point of view. He and I talk gas, oil, the metals, and Bitcoin from a data standpoint to break down what is happening in the changing market, and how we can assess these shifts from a data standpoint.

-What’s happening in the markets? Should we be scared? We need to take an analytical approach
-Are we looking at $10-$12 NatGas? Can we go that high? Moor says that we’re wide open—it can pretty much go anywhere
-We are still seeing a 50% discount of gas to oil
-$56/barrel could be seen in five months
-Moor analyzes market movements and data, but Moor notes the inflation in the housing market and supply chain
-Everything is pointing to increased inflationary expectations
-What markets are the most promising? Moor thinks that crude oil and energies have a lot of upside
-Bitcoin also is looking positive—it’s all pretty green
-Gold is headed higher—we’re seeing some of its strength coming in right now
-We used to look at crude oil as an indicator of inflation, but NatGas has taken over

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Moor Analytics

Direct download: Michael_Moor_14.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Every commodity seems to be up substantially with the exception of Gold, Silver, and Platinum. Today, we have Jordan Roy-Byrne on the podcast to talk about this interesting phenomenon. Gold and Silver peaked before everything else, and their performance is ultimately linked to inflation—which is higher than ever at the moment. Tune in to get interesting insight and predictions on this topic, and to hear us break down what’s happening with inflation and the metals.

-Every commodity is up substantially (i.e. natural gas, uranium)
-Everything but Gold, Silver, and Platinum is going up
-Gold tends to lead everything in the commodity world, and Silver tends to follow
-When commodity prices spike or have big moves, they tend to correct
-Gold and Silver peaked before everything else—before Uranium stocks even started to move
-The market is not anticipating that inflation is going to accelerate
-Real rates have nowhere to go but up
-The market is saying that the rate of inflation has peaked, and that it’s going to come down a bit
-We’re having as much as 14% inflation right now by some accounts—the biggest inflationary rate since WWII
-Inflation can be very volatile and move a lot in both directions
-If Gold and Silver start out-performing, that will indicate that inflation is here to stay and we could transition into a state of stagflation
-Would the fed risk a crash to assert itself over the markets? The fed will ultimately follow the market
-15-20% decline/correction is more probable than a crash
-Crashes do not happen very often

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
The Daily Gold

Direct download: Jordan_Roy-Byrne_15.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

The world is full of people that would love to take your hard earned cash, but this can be prevented with the proper planning and an asset protection program in place before you need one. Today we have Douglas Lodmell on the show to talk about the importance of asset protection, and some of the steps required to acquire this. It's as simple as figuring out what you have, and what needs to be protected that isn’t already.

-Asset protection - the world is full of people that want to take your hard earned cash. The key is to have an asset protection program in place before you even. need one
-Asset protection doesn’t mean anything until you actually need it—most people don't look into this until after they realize they need it
-There two types of people: those who have assets and those who don’t
-Figure out what you have, and if you already have asset protection; take an inventory and pinpoint what is protected/what isn’t
-There are 2 asset categories: exempt assets, which are already protected (i.e. homestead, retirement plant, etc.) and unprotected assets
-In the asset world there is asset exemption and then asset protection
-Now we have foreign asset protection trusts (established in 1994)
-19 US states currently have some sort of domestic asset protection trust legislation
-There are standards that outline what makes a trust a US trust
-Grantor trust is disregarded for tax purposes
-Asset protection is between $25k-$30k for the most part
-An ounce of prevention here is like a pound of cure

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Lodmell & Lodmell

Direct download: Doug_Lodmell_13.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

As usual, we find that transitory inflation is not so transitory—Michael Pento comes on the podcast today to talk about some of the causes and effects surrounding inflation in the current economy. Pento says this is perhaps the worst inflation the country has ever seen, and the coming years don’t look too hot in terms of getting out of this economic circumstance. Tune in to hear us break down some of these financial issues, how they relate to what we have seen historically, and what to expect in the future.

-Transitory inflation is not so transitory
-NatGas had gone up 118%
-This reminds one of what happened leading up to the financial crisis
-You could not grasp what was happening only by looking at oil—you must consider other points
-We have, according to Pento, the worst inflation this country has ever seen. What does 2022 have in store?
-There are ten million job openings right now, so it is sensible to stop paying people money to stay at home when there is a surplus of employment opportunity
-Next year, according to the Fed’s predictions, they are going to stop the QE program
-No more increase in the money supply or m2
-We are in for a fiscal and monetary cliff
-China is going through the same thing as well as Europe
-We don’t have the healthy underlying foundation that we had in 1980, nor do we have the fire power to get us out or low levels of debt
-Pento predicts a protracted period of vicious stagflation in the coming years
-Coming out of the great recession, China bailed us out. They may not have the capacity to do this again
-Culmination of natural disasters and man-made disasters will coalesce into one thing
-2023 will probably see a permanent form of helicopter money for those that don’t make a certain amount
-What you think is going to happen is seldom what does happen—you can never be entirely sure
-There will probably be major deflation and bouts of inflation
-Don’t sell your gold quite yet, but understand that the precious metals can take major hits

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Pento Portfolio Strategies

Direct download: Michael_Pento_13.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

How can you buy raw land in a way that allows you to minimize costs and maximize upside potential? Brent Bowers comes on the podcast today to talk about his life changing experience with buying and selling land—profiting exponentially with the right strategies. Tune in to get advice from a highly successful individual in this field and to learn about an area of the market you could get involved in yourself.

-How can we buy raw land in a smart way to minimize costs and maximize upside potential?
-Bowers was an army officer and decided to get into rentals, wholesaling, and land
-He was able to sell land for exponentially more than he bought it for
-Land is turning to a seller’s market; you have to pay more initially, but you also will get more
-How do you know you’re not paying too much for a property? Look at what the actual land is worth by calling realtors and looking at Zillow/other sites to find the property value
-Sell it before you buy it to get immediate profits

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
The Land Sharks Website
The Land Sharks Youtube

Direct download: Brent_Bowers_12.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

American Eagle Gold’s CEO Tony Moreau and Exploration VP Mark Bradley were here to give a sponsor update. First, their drill permit application was just approved by the BLM. This sets the stage for drilling to commence shortly at their Goldengate project in Nevada. The property is adjacent to Nevada Gold’s Goldrush and Cortez Mines. These are prodigious mines, having produced millions of ounces since coming on stream. Tony and Mark are extremely upbeat about Goldengate’s prospectivity.

Mark was at the helm of the team that discovered and defined Goldrush and has spent the better part of 30 years working on the Cortez Trend. Few people can match his knowledge and experience there. Technology has come a long way since early 2000’s when Mark was working on Goldrush. CSAMT, stratigraphy, and 2D seismology either didn’t exist or were in their infancy. While looking for the yellow metal is always a gamble, the ability to see into the ground and analyze underlying structures and intrusions to select drill targets helps make the task much easier and more accurate.

Mark has identified the most promising target zones and now it’s just a matter of getting the drill turning. While competent experienced crews are at a premium, Tony is confident that they can get the needed equipment and staff to insure that the current drill program will succeed. 

If the old saw that the best place to find gold is close where it’s already been found, then American Eagle could be sitting on a major discovery. And if the best person to make that major discovery is the one who’s done it before, then he’ll be well served by Mark. 

(We own shares in the company).

Company Website

Ticker: TSXV: AE

Direct download: 037_American_Eagle_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm EST

The supply chain is not what it used to be—resources and labor are in high demand and we are seeing lots of negative effects as a result. Aaron Clarey comes on the podcast today to talk about some of these effects—especially within the housing industry—and what the future may look like as a result.

-The supply chain is like a plastic band about to snap
-Clarey recently built a house and purchased furniture/materials for it well in advance, acknowledging some of the issues in the supply chain
-People’s houses recently have not been getting done, which requires banks to reset interest rates (which are going up) which creates even more of a rush to get things delivered
-The American dining experience is over—we see long lines, poor service, and lower quality
-Standards of living go down as quality of work declines—you need to learn to do things yourself
-It’s a smart idea to buy things now because of the projection of inflation
-Prices of basic staples (i.e. gasoline) are up astronomically

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Captain Capitalism



Direct download: Aaron_Clarey_09.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We checked in with Trilogy Metals’ CEO Tony Giardini for a sponsor update. Preliminary work on the access road has continued unabated. When completed it will connect the Ambler Mining District to the famed Dawson Highway. The company has been focused on spelling out the benefits that area residents will realize when the road is completed. As a private toll road, it will never be open to the public; Trilogy will have exclusive use, thus mitigating environmental concerns. Currently, shipping costs to the neighboring remote towns are quite costly. It is expected that upon completion, residents will incur lower prices on many goods and commodities. Additionally, the mine will lead to greatly increased employment opportunities for thees communities. Presently 2/3 of the Trilogy’s employees are locals.

Weather and health concerns have temporarily slowed the pace of drilling. However, Giardini expects that Trilogy will soon be able to make up for lost time. Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy recently visited the mine site to emphasize the project's importance to the state. All interested parties are fully engaged.

The company continues to be well capitalized with over $100 million in the bank and it will easily be able to finance its share of additional road development and exploration costs into the foreseeable future.

Giardini is pleased with the pace of progress. In a project of this immense scale, there are many moving parts and everything takes time. The good news is that things are moving ahead and the pieces are starting to fall into place. 

Company website:

Ticker Symbol on NYSE-American and TSX: TMQ

Direct download: 034_Trilogy_Metals_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:32pm EST

What does the term ‘private equity’ really mean, and what is its role in businesses today? On today’s podcast, we have private equity expert and bestselling author Adam Coffey with us to highlight the significance of private equity. As publicly traded companies are on the decline and exit strategies are taken into consideration, this term becomes especially relevant and crucial across a number of industries.

-‘kicked around’ always refers to private equity—Adam Coffey is a bestselling author and private equity expert and is going to give us information on what private equity is about
-What does private equity really mean? He uses the analogy of a mutual fund
-Private equity works similarly, but the minimum investment size is $5 million, unlike a mutual fund. It does exactly what it says and invests in private companies. The biggest area is buy-out funds
-Sell funds to return capital to the investors
-Private equity failures over the last ten years has to do with strong competition and return thresholds being monitored. Like any industry, there are winners and losers
-Good/bad firms can come in all sizes
-Distressed asset funds seek out companies that are in trouble and attempt to help them, but other failures are consumer driven (i.e. shopping malls and bookstores are going out due to consumer habits)
-There is far more equity invested in companies today than there is debt
-Limitations have come into place by the market and people investing
-People purchase most things online now, and there is a heavy evolution that is constantly progressing
-It’s hard to find an industry that private equity doesn’t play a part in
-There is a declining number of publicly traded companies, and they will probably diminish
-Exit strategy now involves selling off to private equity

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Adam E. Coffey's Website/
Adam E. Coffey Linkedin

Direct download: Adam_Coffey_08.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST





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