Mon, 12 August 2019
When we last spoke with Charles Nenner, back in mid-June, he was calling for higher gold prices. Almost as if on cue, gold is up over $150 and there's more to come, after the current short-term top. Interest rates have plunged and Charles believes that recession, or worse, is on its way. But somehow the world will survive, maybe with a new global economic system in place. News for stocks is bad, the dollar and treasuries will continue on their current economic path. Oil has a potential bottom of $36. Natgas could well drop below $2 after a slight bump up. It's all in the hands of the cycles. Let's see where the war cycle will take us next. |
Mon, 12 August 2019
Trump was true to his word, he imposed a 10 percent tariff on the remaining $300 billion of Chinese imports. The stock market took an immediate hit and gold/silver shot significantly higher. This installment takes place on September 1, 2019, but Trump is promising to take the tariffs up to 25% shortly thereafter. Michael Stumo believes that the US is winning the trade war and that it's in the process of decoupling from the Chinese Economy. There's enough sources of low cost Asian goods to allow the strategy to work. However, whenever you go stirring up the world economy there's always a risk of unintended consequences. |
Tue, 6 August 2019
Danielle Park has been waiting for this moment. And it may well be here now. The end of the global stock bull market. Is it upon us? One day does not a trend make. However, this bull has been living on borrowed time and borrowed money for too long. Resource based economies have taken a hit and will continue too. That means Canada and Australia are in for hard time. As are the rest of the over indebted countries. The time of reckoning is quickly closing in. |
Tue, 6 August 2019
According to Tony Hayes, gold is worth at least $1900 the ounce. However, what it's selling for is another matter. Tony bases his calculations on the Monetary Base (M0) and the money supply measurement M1. HIs formulas have closely coincided with gold prices in the past and he's of the belief they will again. The big shocker is that according to Tony's work, the Dow is worth 60,000. Even higher than Martin Armstrong's Dow 35k. Amazing. |
Tue, 6 August 2019
Once upon a time people looked up to the Fed and believed that they had the power to determine the future. There are still those true believers, who think the Fed can do no wrong. But history has taught us otherwise. While the rest of the world has been opening the monetary spigot at full blast, the Fed was tightening. Now that's all changed. And watch gold and silver continue to thrust forward. $1500 is right around the corner! |
Tue, 6 August 2019
Nichole Stohler had a good job working for a tech company. She and her husband Mike got into real estate investing for the usual reasons, to build wealth and passive income. However, they bought properties for no money down and in less desirable areas. They got in over their heads and wound up giving their properties back. They started over again, but this time Mike got a job as a property manager and they learned the business from the ground up. Now they're successful real estate investors and Nichole teaches others how to do it and has a new real estate podcast. It just shows the value of persistence. |
Mon, 5 August 2019
President Trump did the unthinkable, he increased China Tariffs and the market may never be the same. According to Jeff Ferry, companies are abandoning China like the plague and the US is decoupling its economy from China. Wages have been booming and the employment numbers are still strong. Turns out wages have been growing at a 5 percent annual clip. Growth industries are essential to the country's economic growth. And this is great news for America! |
Mon, 5 August 2019
RC Peck is a pragmatic investor. He believes in letting the market tell you the truth, rather than trying to find it on a financial tv show or website. He's observed that escalating gold prices are trying to tell us something. We may not be able to figure it out right now, as sometimes history is the best judge. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be paying attention. He's of the opinion that the recent price rises reflect growing investor nervousness with the status quo. In addition, there are fundamental market changes taking place. The US dollar increasing along with gold prices, the breakout from 6 years resistance, etc. All things considered, when the signs are so strong you need to pay attention! |
Mon, 5 August 2019
Rob McEwen is a mining legend. Rob is Chairman and Chief Owner of McEwen Mining Inc. He's perhaps best known as the founder and former Chairman/CEO of Goldcorp, one of the largest gold producers in the world. Starting in 1993, and over the course of 8 years, he consolidated five companies into Goldcorp. During his thirteen year tenure as CEO, its market capitalization grew from $50 million to over $8 billion, with its share price growing at a 31% compounded annual rate. While others would be content to rest upon their laurels, he then founded McEwen Mining, which is a producing miner that's engaged in extensive exploration and development of new and existing deposits. So much for retirement. His legendary status continues to grow. |
Fri, 2 August 2019
Ken Berry’s company, Northern Vertex - recent FSN Sponsor - started producing gold at exactly the right time and place (Arizona). For every $100 gold has gone up, that’s another $4 million added to the bottom line. And if gold really goes up, Northern Vertex could really cash in. The project has taken upwards of 15 years to complete and Ken describes his emotions watching the first Doré bar get poured last year and how they continue to stamp them out. |
Thu, 1 August 2019
Still in Vancouver so haven’t had a chance to do detailed shownotes. Will take of them when I’m back, but didn’t want to delay release of the Major Monthly Market Review. Enjoy! |
Thu, 1 August 2019
We sit down with three junior miner CEO’s who are looking at good times ahead. Jim McDonald - Daniel Major - Richard Spencer. |
Wed, 31 July 2019
Gold and silver have broken out. What’s next? We know that the stock market has continued to go up, the US Dollar has been strengthening and gold has been going up. Why is this happening? We’re starting to see select junior miners breaking out as well. It looks like the worm has turned. We also discuss the Baltimore situation and why American cities are crumbling. It all began during the civil unrest of the 1960’s. The combination of rampant crime and forced busing led to white flight. Most cities have yet to recover. And when you take a look at Baltimore, you can’t help but notice billions of aid dollars have been wasted or stolen. So it’s great that someone is finally calling them out and being honest about the situation. Let’s hope it continues and eventually change. |
Tue, 30 July 2019
We sat down with Jamie Keech in Vancouver to get an idea of where the mining sector is headed. Unsurprisingly, he’s guardedly optimistic. While metals prices have been rising, many sector stocks have been slow to follow. Jamie did us a real service by explaining the red flags looks for when he’s deciding what stocks to invest in. He’s always on the look-out for self-serving managements that put its interest above the company’s owners, the shareholders. He explains why investors must look for companies where management and shareholder interests are aligned. You just have to look at the financial statements and spend a little time reviewing them. The answer usually resides within them. |
Tue, 30 July 2019
Rick Rule sat down with us at the Sprott Conference. He’s extremely upbeat about precious metals and believes we’re at the beginning of another bull market. The average such bull lasts for three years and sees advances of 300 percent or more. What will propel this one even further is the discovery of the sector by millennials. Rick believes that their refined research skills, their need to self-validate information and their risk-taking nature will secure them large gains, at least initially. Then greed and recklessness could takeover and lead to larger losses. We also talked about AI in exploration, and the independent rogue miners who do so much damage. Get ready for the bull now! |
Tue, 30 July 2019
The current economic situation, at least according to Doug Casey is hopeless. There’s no turning back as debt continues to mount and the decline of the West becomes ever more obvious. The best thing you can do is learn to profit from it, which Doug has done quite well. We also talked about Doug’s upcoming book The Assassin. Fun times ahead. |
Wed, 24 July 2019
Jordan Roy-Byrne has long warned that the precious metals bull market had yet to begin. Now, it's actually happening. Jordan believes that the Fed's easing policy was the paradigm shift needed for the gold bull to take off. He believes that a 25 basis point increase will be more advantageous to gold's nascent bull rather than a 50 pas point rise. It's only the beginning. We can look forward to more rate cuts ahead. |
Tue, 23 July 2019
Former Whitehouse speech writer Kasey Pipes has written a book about resurgence of Nixon's historical profile. While Nixon resigned in disgrace and was generally reviled by future generations of politicians, he's had a comeback. While Trump is certainly much different that Nixon, they have a number of things in common, particularly their pragmatic America First foreign policy. The idea of making the world safe for democracy is foreign to both. They have been far more concerned about how America will benefit. Trump has shown this in his overwhelming opposition to military adventurism. Nixon avoided military entanglements after the Vietnam War ended. One affect of Nixon's economic policy gravely affected the world economic system. The 1971 closing of the gold window is still being felt today. And interesting read. |
Tue, 23 July 2019
Danielle is unconvinced that the recent gold breakout has legs. She's not seeing inflation in the picture because wages are fairly stagnant and there's no catalyst on the horizon. Debt continues to increase at unsustainable rates and eventually that will lead to a deflationary decline. And right now the global economy is slowing down and the central banks have reacted by turning on the monetary spigot, with predictable results. |
Mon, 22 July 2019
Ned Schmidt has been warning us for years. We've seen gold and now silver break out of a 6 year long channel and Ned believes we've only just begun. The more things continue down the road of out of control debt/spending, the higher gold is going. Our money is on Ned, not the Fed. |
Mon, 22 July 2019
For the past several months, Nick Santiago has been bullish on gold. Now that bullishness is expanding to silver, where he believes the returns will be severals times the eventual returns in gold. He believes that everyone needs to join this bandwagon now, before it's too late. Inflation is about to again rear its ugly head and those who don't prepare for it will face many difficulties. No one should be surprised. Nick also believes the stock market is close to a peak and oil is stuck at the current levels. Lot's more to digest here. |
Mon, 22 July 2019
A debt deal was just reached today and almost no one cares. What has happened to the country? The debt limit used to be a big deal. How much debt can we produce before something happens to the global economic system? John and I agree that we're going to find out soon. People have finally rediscovered gold and silver. Unless something drastic happens, this only the beginning. Buckle your seatbelt now!
Mon, 22 July 2019
It's no secret that Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter among others have conspired to shut down conservative voices. In fact, President Trump just had a social medial summit to address this very issue. Herman Cain was so upset about this trend that he joined which enables people to bypass the actual platforms to get the latest updates from their social medial voices. No longer will they be silenced. |
Mon, 22 July 2019
Jason Cuzins may have found the holy grail of digital gold. Linking his Glint debit card with a bonded depositary holding audited and verified gold is a giant step forward. Once you possess a card, you can immediately load money into your account and purchase gold or other currencies or just leave it there. The fees to buy and sell gold are extremely low and easy. We'll a lot more information shortly. |
Mon, 22 July 2019
Big data and big marketing are becoming one. What does that mean for your privacy? We're seeing advanced data modeling concepts applied to consumer databases, which provides companies with the ability to identify and expand their target markets. It also results in less junk mail, less spam and less telemarketing calls. Perhaps there is a bright side to this after all. |