Fri, 25 January 2019
Eric Wade Senior Editor and Lead Analyst with Stansberry Pacific Research. He believes that there's a possibility of a huge rally in 2019. New investors are coming and the will result in way more buying than selling. A lot of current Bitcoin investors are anxiously awaiting new money to enter the space. Only 8-10 percent of the American Public has even considered getting in to cryptos. Investors as a class are generally older and very few of them have considered it. Until you start investing in crypto you'll never know how easy it is to buy direct. |
Tue, 22 January 2019
Danielle was always skeptical of the seemingly perpetual bull market in stocks and in fact wisely advised taking money off the table, to avoid the inevitable down cycle. Today, stocks are retreating from their 50 day moving average, another indication that the bear market has finally arrived. We'll know more over the next month, if stocks break their December lows. It will be further confirmation that the cycle has indeed changed. But is it worth waiting to find out for sure? Sometimes the cautious approach is the best. |
Tue, 22 January 2019
Real estate investing was in Mark's blood. It was his family's business, but he never had the desire to pursue it. After exploring other paths, he committed to real estate and his career has taken off. As a flipper and a realtor, he has a winning formula for making money. He shares his secrets of his success on his website and has written 6 books. It's safe to say he's a mission to help Americans boost their wealth and their futures. |
Mon, 21 January 2019
It's been a month since 25% of the government shutdown due to the Wall funding impasse between President Trump and the Democrats. Does Trump have a higher long term goal in mind by invoking the shutdown? Using the available legal tools at his disposal, is he going to take this opportunity to RIF (reduction in force) the government and trim away the deadwood. 800,000 non-essential employees are out of work. Will Trump make it permanent for several hundred thousand of them? AmericanThinker's Thomas Lifson believes that's exactly what he's going to do. Let's see what happens next. |
Mon, 21 January 2019
We connected with Bill Powers of He's guardedly optimistic about precious metals and the miners. While it appears that the sector is still in a down market, recently encouraging signs have emerged. Relative strength in PM prices along with fundamental changes taking place in the industry could make 2019 a great year for investors and miners alike. |
Sun, 20 January 2019
Jordan Roy Byrne joined us at the Metals Investor Forum for a review of the current precious metal market. Jordan believes we're in for one final decline, perhaps minor, which will lead to an amazing set-up for a major bull market in gold. He's extremely bullish on a number of mining companies that he believes will rack up impressive results in the not too distant future. It's important to note that the last few times we talked with Jordan he was not bullish in the least. Things have change. |
Fri, 18 January 2019
Unbeknownst to Kerry, Jordan Goodman has been under investigation and charged by the SEC for securities violations. Mr. Goodman has only ever been a guest on this show and has never had a commercial relationship with Kerry Lutz or the Financial Survival Network.
-- posted at: 6:16pm EST
Wed, 16 January 2019
Between the shutdown, trade issues, the deficit, the student loan bubble, the auto loan bubble, etc., what's an investor to do? The only surprise is that the market hasn't taken a bigger hit, but there's time. Interest rates appear to have peaked at the present time, but is that enough to keep the engine going? And oil prices have crashed too. Jordan as always has some common sense ways to survive and thrive. Unbeknownst to Kerry, Jordan Goodman has been under investigation and charged by the SEC for securities violations. Mr. Goodman has only ever been a guest on this show and has never had a commercial relationship with Kerry Lutz or the Financial Survival Network. |
Wed, 16 January 2019
Has the republican party finally grown a set. They seem to be intent on keeping the shutdown going and improving border security with a wall thrown in for good measure. Who will blink first? If history is any judge the republicans will probably snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But the republican liberty caucus isn't backing down, that's for sure. |
Tue, 15 January 2019
Tue, 15 January 2019
Martin Armstrong joined us for a wide-reaching discussion about the economy, stock markets, debt, gold and cryptos. He's absolutely certain that the parabolic 10 year stock market rise is going to continue onward and upward for many years, and not for reasons you may think. He's also predicting the rise of central bank cryptos as a means to further control the populace and fight crime. And that means the demise of private cryptos, which we've been predicting for months. Gold is going up, but there may be a final capitulation first, $995 gold to shake out all the remaining weak hands, but not necessarily. Too much to fit here in one episode. Go to FSN and join our mailing list to receive Part 2 of the interview. |
Tue, 15 January 2019
As the partial federal government shutdown hits day 25, perhaps there's lots more to the story than meets the eye. Has it all been a plan by Trump to dramatically pare down the government workforce? Once the shutdown hits 30 days, Trump can order a reduction in force or RIF and fire many non-essential employees. It certainly gives him leverage with the Dems as they couldn't stand seeing hundreds of thousands of their natural constituents on the street and unemployed. Is it 4-D Chess or our imagination? |
Mon, 14 January 2019
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Gaven Newsom is now the governor and he's planning ever larger giveaways to illegal aliens. Where does he think the money's going to come from? California is already $127 billion in debt and counting. Liberalism has reached pandemic proportions and Joe is very concerned. In fact, for the first time, he and his lovely wife are making plans to flee the state. Who can blame them for not wanting to go down with the ship? |
Mon, 14 January 2019
It's all over town, the Bezos's are getting a divorce. Is that enough to move Amazon's stock and the market? Probably not and it's likely just a diversion. But a costly one at that. Eddie thinks we're just going through a routine stock market correction and that the market will soon bounce back. Hopefully, he's right and the economy will keep buzzing along. But there's definitely some very strong headwinds, especially escalating debt that will have to be dealt with. |
Mon, 14 January 2019
Politicians, especially on the left are saying things that they could have never gotten away with 5 years ago. Cursing out your president on live tv was unheard of. In a way Trump has brought this on himself. Having very little ability to filter his speech, he lowered the bar for others. And now that the toothpaste is out of the tube, it will be impossible to put it back in. So get ready for lots more. |
Mon, 14 January 2019
GM announced positive earning reports while deciding to shutter 5 US assembly plants, discontinue car production and offshore more manufacturing to Mexico. Is that really winning? It's a trend that's been in place for nearly 40 years, but Jeff is hopeful that the new USMCA deal will help raise wages and competitiveness of the US economy. Things are starting to heat up in China and the question is whether compromise will lead to an agreement. Right now it's anyone's guess. Trade is a evolving issue. |
Fri, 11 January 2019
It's no secret that Justice Ginsberg has had her share of medical challenges. And having been witness to many people who've suffered similar fates, we're extremely sympathetic to what she's going through. But she has no business still being on the High Court. She's been fading for many years and has become a mythical figure. How much longer can she continue on down this path? Probably not much, which is why she should be allowed to enjoy a quiet retirement and not expected to be the torch carrier against a republican dominated court. More on gold prices, What about the government shutdown and do we need a TSA? And what is a non-essential government worker? Surely one we can do without. And the dirty secret is that once the government reopens, they'll get all their back pay, even if they were furloughed. |
Fri, 11 January 2019
Dr. William Northwell discusses his eye-opening book “Return to Capitalism” A Retired Radiologist's view on Government, the Economy, and Health Care.The good doctor isn’t afraid to speak his mind and offer up his own unique perspective. His conservative approach takes you through Government, Health Care and the Economy. After 30 years of medical practice, now 20 years post-retirement, started writing on how to reform our broken health care system. Always interested in economics, his writing evolved into an over-all assessment of where we are today, favoring capitalism and arguing against socialism. “Return to Capitalism” is a book filled with the thoughts from a supply-side conservative. With 30 years in the specialty, he has a unique insight into the complex world of health care and how it needs to change. |
Wed, 9 January 2019
Is investing in real estate too risky? Do you have to be rich to invest? Does investing take too much time? Are these all good questions or just improper myths? If you’ve been sitting on the fence about real estate investment, it’s time to jump into the game. And, once you do, your first hill to climb will involve getting your facts straight. There many myths that have kept many potentially great investors from succeeding so don’t let that happen to you. It’s time to get in the game now! How do you know when it’s the proper time to invest in real estate? Robert’s exclusive 7LP system for getting home owners top dollar for their home in the perfect time frame ideal to the client has been the corner stone for his team’s abundant over-flow of inbound referrals and success in Real Estate. Robert’s true calling of educating other agents on his system is now a major priority. Robert’s love for people has expanded not just to his own clients but to other Realtors in the hopes that the good ones will be able to achieve their Real Estate goals which are a win for good agents and home owners alike.
Wed, 9 January 2019
Sales expert and consultant Benjamin Brown joined us. Sales has always been one of the top 5 highest earning professions in the US. Opportunities there have never been greater. You just need to take the time to learn how to do it right. Once you become a pro, the sky is the limit. But it takes a lot of hard work and practice to become a sales professional. However, almost anyone can learn how to do it and become good at it. |
Wed, 9 January 2019
Noted credit expert Robert Siciliano joined us today. The good news is that all 4 credit bureaus must provide now allow consumer's to freeze their reports upon demand. The bad news is that there are now 4 credit bureaus and most people don't take advantage of this security measure anyway. You need to shred all your mail and let your password manager assign your passwords. Allow for push notifications on all your credit cards. This will enable you to pick up on any fraudulent use in near real time. This can help keep you safe. But there's so much more to data hacking and illicit data sales. You can only do so much and then it's up to the government and fate. |
Wed, 9 January 2019
JOB GROWTH SURGES BY 312,000 IN DECEMBER Job creation ended 2018 on a powerful note, with non-farm payrolls surging by 312,000 in December though the unemployment rate rose to 3.9 percent. The jobless rate, which was last higher in June, rose for the right reason as 419,000 new workers entered the workforce and the labor force participation rate increased to 63.1 percent. The participation level was up 0.2 percentage points from November and 0.4 percentage points compared with a year earlier. A broader measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons held steady at 7.6 percent. In addition to the big job gains, wages jumped 3.2 percent from a year ago and 0.4 percent over the previous month. The year-over-year increase is tied with October for the best since April 2009. The average work week rose 0.1 hour to 34.5 hours. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting job growth of just 176,000, though they projected the unemployment rate to fall to 3.6 percent. The wage number also was well above expectations of 3 percent on the year and 0.3 percent from November. The report, released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, comes amid concern over whether the U.S. economy is part of a global deceleration, despite turning in its best year since the Great Recession. Is it real or are we headed to a recession? Keep your eye on the real numbers. |
Tue, 8 January 2019
Real estate has seen quite a rise during the current cycle. However, our economic world is complicated; everything is \connected. While the stock market has been taking its lumps, what will be the effect on real estate? Danielle believes that it's going to come down as well, for a number of reasons. Obviously the wealth effect brought on by rising stock prices can act in reverse. There's also the necessity of many investors to liquidate their holdings, both due to demographic reasons and the need to pay debts and cover losses. Any way you slice it, real estate is probably going down. |
Tue, 8 January 2019
2019 is beginning to look a lot like 2010. Economic growth will be hard to find. Metals should start going up smartly later in the year. The Fed will be buying all the debt that's being produced. People will realize that there's no plan and that there's no turning back. No going back to normal. The past 4-5 years were a time of relative economic tranquility, but that's over. Calling in the Plunge Protection Team because the market dropped 20% was the tip-off according to Craig. De-dollarization continues unabated which will lead to declines in the USD. |
Tue, 8 January 2019
David Moadel is the Chief Analyst and Opportunity Researcher for David discusses why the next 10 years is going to be a lot different than the last decade and you need to be prepared. Real estate, gold and cannabis are his three main themes. |